What to do if glasses fog up?

Those whose life is inextricably linked with wearing glasses often faced such trouble as fogging glasses. The worst thing in this situation is that a special microfiber cloth is not always at hand, and because of this, improvised materials are used that can ruin the lenses. So why are they sweating and how to deal with it?

Why are fogging glasses?

The reasons why fogging occurs are explained by physics back in school, but over time, all knowledge is lost in a huge information stream. So, the main reason is the temperature difference . Thus, when a person enters a warm room from the cold, the moist air of a warm room is cooled on cool lenses. As a result, condensation forms.

Trouble can also be encountered along the way with athletes, such as swimmers or skiers. During physical exertion, the body produces a significant amount of heat, which, when exposed to cold temperature on the lenses from the outside, forms condensate.

How to handle glasses so that they do not fog up?

If you are not attracted by the prospect of constantly using improvised tools and wiping lenses while playing sports, then you should familiarize yourself with the most well-known ways to deal with this problem.


You can use a dry bar of soap. Its color, smell and other characteristics are not important. It is necessary to apply several strips on the lenses . If the bar of soap is too old and too dry, it can be slightly moistened in water. Alternatively, a soap solution can be used. The glasses are thoroughly washed. Then they are laid out on the surface and dried. Then everything is thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth or napkin. As the procedure progresses, a thin water-repellent film forms on the lenses.

Liquid soap

For processing with liquid soap, a cotton pad and a drop of agent will be required. Soap is applied to the lenses and wiped dry with a cotton pad . Instead of a cotton pad, a small piece of flannel fabric is acceptable.


A good way to combat fogging is to use liquid glycerin. Glycerin must be warmed to room temperature and applied to flannel fabric . Next, the glasses are thoroughly wiped and left to dry. After drying, the glasses are wiped again, but with a dry and clean cloth.


A pea of ​​toothpaste is applied to the lenses and then wiped dry . It is worth noting that the paste is very difficult to wipe after drying. This method is very time-consuming, but if nothing else is at hand, then it can help out.


If you do not want to spend time processing glasses using popular methods, today there is a huge range of anti-fogging products on sale. For example, Antifog is a special tool to reduce the attraction of water molecules and create a kind of film on a glass surface. You just need to apply Antifog on the inner surface of the glass, rub it well until it is completely dry . Available in several products - liquid, spray, wet wipes.

What special tools exist?

Optical stores, pharmacies, as well as sports stores began to sell specialized anti-fogging products. The assortment includes sprays (Zero-Fog, Super-Optic, BPI No Fog, Snowter are more common) and wipes (for example, No-Fog Cloth). These funds provide a temporary effect . The composition includes surfactants that have a water-repellent effect. Thanks to the invisible film being created, the smallest particles of water do not settle on the surface, but roll off it.

What to do with glasses for the pool?

New swimming goggles do not fog up because the manufacturer processes them with a special compound before selling . After a couple of months of active use, this accessory may begin to fog up. In this case, it is recommended to use special antifogs, which can be purchased in sporting goods.

If the glasses are fogged up, but there is no money at hand, then the old folk method will come to the rescue. The inside should be moistened with saliva and rubbed with a cloth . Please note that it is forbidden to do this with your finger, otherwise there may be greasy marks. After processing, the glasses must be rinsed with plain water.

What not to do?

Glasses are a very moody accessory. It is recommended to wipe it with a special microfiber cloth. As a rule, when it is not at hand, clothes are used. Coarse cloth may scratch the surface and wipe away special coatings from glasses . Most often, an anti-reflective layer is applied to the surface of the glasses - it is damaged in the first place, and scratches on the optics can cause enormous discomfort to the owner.

In no case should you use anti-fogging chemicals that were originally intended for mirrors, car windows or for the home . At best, aggressive components can harm fragile optics, while in the worst case, these components can damage the visual organ and the human body.


If glasses are not prescribed for continuous use, then in the cold season they are still better to wear in a durable and high-quality case. They can freeze in your pocket and will also be prone to fogging. If, however, the glasses are fogged up and there are no funds at hand, then leave them for a while . This will take about 5 minutes. They will warm up, and you can continue to use them.

If you have problems using glasses for winter sports, then check if the helmet does not block the ventilation holes. Otherwise, it will be necessary to replace part of the equipment.