The smell of sweat in shoes

Many people have repeatedly had to deal with the problem of the appearance of a pungent smell in shoes, which causes tangible discomfort. It is possible to neutralize this negative manifestation in various ways. It is not difficult and does not require the possession of special skills. Let’s figure out how to remove the smell of sweat in shoes in various ways.

Causes of the smell of sweat in shoes

Factors that influence the formation of an unpleasant odor in such products are various. The most clean people are not immune from this. Due to the lack of proper ventilation, the legs can sweat a lot. Not every pair can be washed daily .

Insoles, leather and fur accumulate the smell of sweat . Humidity and dirt form suitable conditions for the propagation of microorganisms, which eventually become the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. All these factors are the causes of the formation of a severe, pronounced smell.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes at home?

There are a number of options repeatedly tried by many people to get rid of this problem. Listed below are the most common and effective ones for leather and other shoes.

Natural coffee and green tea

To neutralize the annoying odor, you can pour a small amount of natural ground coffee on the inside of the products. Green tea is also considered an equally effective option. To ensure the desired result, a bag of such tea should be placed under the insoles.


To ensure the desired result, it is recommended to pour table salt into the products, and leave the shoes for several days.

Hydrogen peroxide

An effective remedy that neutralizes the smell and provokes its occurrence fungus. Peroxide must be poured into the shoe. When the bubbles cease to appear, pour the product and completely dry the product.

Important! It must be borne in mind that this tool can quite noticeably lighten the inside of these products (this also applies to a 3% solution), therefore it is recommended to use it exclusively for light models.


This liquid is recommended to simply wipe the inside of the product. Vinegar effectively copes with fungus and bacteria, which provoked the formation of an unpleasant odor.

Important! This tool is recommended to be used very carefully, since vinegar can change the color of parts of products of this kind.

Alcohol-containing products

To achieve the desired result, it is advisable to process the products inside with alcohol or vodka every day for 2 weeks. This will help to neutralize the bacteria that cause the appearance of a pungent odor.

Activated carbon

This substance perfectly absorbs various odors and moisture. In each product, it is necessary to place for 7 hours 7-8 crushed tablets of this substance in small linen bags. They will absorb odor and excess moisture. The only drawback of this elementary method is that after using this substance, traces may remain inside the products.

Shoe freeze

In winter, in severe frosts, it is advisable to send the products in need of processing to the balcony at night, or, having previously placed the products in a plastic bag, put them in the freezer for 5-7 hours.

Advice! This method is recommended exclusively for genuine leather models. Models made of artificial materials may crack under the influence of low temperatures.


This substance should be poured into products that need processing and left for 5 hours. Then you need to remove the soda, and wipe the products inside with a damp cloth.

Shop Facilities

In addition to improvised tools, there are also quite effective ready-made options that allow you to cope with a similar problem much faster. You can buy these funds in pharmacies and stores.

Deodorants, Sprays

In stores, you can buy special deodorants containing antibacterial substances that help not only eliminate the smell of sweat, but also destroy microorganisms that are favorable for the appearance of the fungus. Such products instantly dry, leave no residue and increase the service life of products.

Method of use:

  1. The spray can must be shaken well and placed at a distance of 20 cm from the surface that needs to be processed.
  2. On the feet, the product should be sprayed on the upper part of the foot, between the toes and on the sole.
  3. It is recommended to spray deodorant on the shoes on the inside a few seconds before and after wearing.

Candide Powder

This tool is often used to treat both the feet and shoes for fungal diseases and excessive sweating.

UV Dryer with Ionizer

An ultraviolet dryer is a convenient device that allows not only to quickly dry products, but also to destroy emerging microorganisms. Using this kind of device is absolutely safe for both natural materials and artificial ones.

Most of these dryers are made in the form of two identical cases, having a rounded shape and interconnected by a double electric wire, turning into a single cord with an electric plug. There are also models consisting of one solid body or two separate devices.

Reference! For the operation of such a device requires an alternating current voltage of 220 V.


To effectively deal with the annoying smell, it is advisable to use special insoles that can absorb a heavy odor and spread a pleasant aroma. When using them, you must additionally use a cream, deodorant or pencil.

How to remove old smells?

In this case, you have to resort to an integrated approach :

  1. Shoes should be thoroughly washed (inside and out) with soap and water and completely dried.
  2. Then the shoes must be treated with an antiseptic inside ( you can use vodka ). For best results, it is recommended to wipe the shoes mixed in the same proportions with vodka and ammonia.
  3. After this, the shoes should be left in the open air for several days until completely dry.

Important! Old, bad-smelling insoles must be replaced with new ones.

Sweat odor prevention in shoes

In order to avoid the need to eliminate an already appeared problem of this kind, it is recommended to implement certain preventive measures :

  • products must be cleaned outside and wiped inside;
  • Do not use raw shoes, this will increase the manifestation of a pungent odor;
  • insoles must be changed at least 1 time in 3 months;
  • shoes need systematic drying, even when moisture is not felt (you can put a crumpled newspaper inside, which absorbs excess moisture);
  • Do not wear too narrow models;
  • systematically need to ventilate the product;
  • It is not recommended to constantly use the same pair of shoes;
  • when buying a new pair you need to make sure that the material is of good quality and that it is able to fully pass air.

Compliance with these simple recommendations will help prevent the emergence and reproduction of microorganisms that cause a sharp smell in shoes .

How to store shoes?

To avoid the appearance of a pungent odor, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with certain nuances of storing such products:

  1. First of all, shoes are recommended to be thoroughly washed and completely dried.
  2. Products made of velor, nubuck or suede must be treated with a special tool.
  3. Then the shoes need to be filled with linen bags or crumpled paper and put into a box in which you need to put an additional bag of silica gel.
  4. From time to time, the product should be pulled out of the box and ventilated.

It is not so difficult to eliminate the heavy smell formed in shoes or boots. It is enough to devote just a few minutes to this process.