How to replace furniture upholstery

Recently, considerable attention and funds have been devoted to design issues in the repair of premises. Since, if you make an excellent repair, which will not be combined with the design of accessories located in the room, then such repair will not be much pleasure. A rather large role in design decisions is played by the color gamut of accessories located in it. This is especially true for upholstered furniture. In this article, we will consider a method that helps to change the color scheme of upholstered furniture relatively inexpensively by changing its upholstery.

Why change the upholstery?

Of course, a change in design or color scheme is not the only reason for changing the upholstery of furniture. It can also be:

  • physical damage to the upholstery. Moreover, the matter torn in several places needs either repair or a complete replacement;
  • material smeared with any paint or something else that is not amenable to dry cleaning, requiring replacement;
  • that the upholstery material is morally obsolete and other better materials have appeared.

Thus, changing the upholstery is much cheaper than buying new furniture, especially if the old one is of high enough quality and is in good condition.

Why exactly gunning

Modern industry provides a lot of options for upholstery material. These tissues include:

  • Velours;
  • Gunny;
  • Jacquard;
  • Flock;
  • Shenill

Attention: The choice of material is largely determined by the priorities of the owner of the house. One of the most popular materials today is gunny.

Let's look at its main advantages:

  1. Of all the materials presented, it has increased strength, which makes it very convenient for things that experience great physical exertion.
  2. Gunny is very well cleaned of various contaminants, which allows it to be used in public places.
  3. This material holds color well and is resistant to fading. It also has enhanced abrasion resistance.
  4. The fabric is quite soft and easy to upholstery.

Therefore, this rather reliable and inexpensive material is becoming so popular among manufacturers of upholstered furniture. Moreover, he has a rich color scheme. This makes it possible to choose colors for various design styles.

Choosing a tool for upholstery

Furniture upholstery does not need a sophisticated tool. If you have a single copy in front of you, then a standard sewing kit and a mechanical stapler are quite suitable. If there will be a lot of work, you can use an automatic stapler that runs on compressed air.

How to conduct the process

  1. For starters, it’s worth buying material.
  2. Then a pattern is made specifically for the product - according to its parameters. In this case, cutting upholstery must be done so that there are no large extra pieces left.
  3. It remains only to pull the gun and attach it with a stapler.
  4. Then we take the usual needle and thread, and hem the minor flaws formed on the fabric.

If you upholstery on your own, then hauling furniture will cost the landlord quite inexpensively.