How to make a papier-mâché dummy

In the process of sewing clothes, one of the indispensable attributes is the mannequin. It can be purchased at the store, or you can do it yourself.

Of course, creating a figure is a rather time-consuming process, but as a result, you can get exactly the attribute that will best meet the needs.

Create Template

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a mannequin, it is necessary to determine its immediate purpose. In most cases, such attributes are created in order to facilitate the process of sewing and trying on clothes. Anyone can be a template. The main thing to remember is that the future mannequin will have the same forms as its “prototype”.

Models for the template, it is recommended to wear that underwear, which will not be a pity to spoil. A film is wound in several layers on top of it. It is recommended to use food, as it has the optimal width and is easy to use. Do not over stretch the film, because otherwise the shape of the figure will be completely different. In its finished form, the body should be wrapped from the chin to the middle of the thigh. Hands are covered with a film about to the elbow.

Next, tape is pasted over the film. In order for the future template to retain its shape, it is recommended to use at least 3 layers. Adhesive tape comes off in small pieces and gently adheres to the film in such a way as to maximize the repetition of body shapes, as shown in the photo.

When everything is ready, you need to draw several lines on the template. A straight vertical strip should pass through the center of the back - a cut line and several horizontal stripes that will become a guideline for subsequent gluing. Next, the bottom line is aligned.

Now the tape and film can be carefully cut and removed. The edges are reconnected with adhesive tape. Now the template is ready and very soon you will have your own mannequin.

Fixing the form of the template and creating the foundation

A cocoon made of film and tape is unable to hold its shape for a long time, which means that it must be gypsum-plated. To do this, you can use ordinary bandages and alabaster, or special plaster bandages. As practice shows, the second option is less dusty and more convenient. In order for the template to retain its shape during the application of bandages, several spacers can be made inside and a thick cardboard can be inserted into the base. The bottom of the template can be glued to a table or other surface.

Plastering is performed from bottom to top. Wet gauze should be applied over the bandages. When everything is ready, it is necessary to wait until the gypsum has completely dried. The recommended air temperature is 28 ° C.

After about a day, you can continue to work on creating a papier-mâché mannequin with your own hands. Now, its inside needs to be filled with polyurethane foam. This process involves several stages, since the foam in the first hour after pouring significantly increases in volume, among other things, it should also dry out. For a slight saving of filler, you can add pieces of polystyrene or other similar material to it.

When the entire interior space is full, you need to insert a rack in the center of the dummy. Initially, you can use any stick wrapped in ordinary cellophane. After completing the work, the mannequin must be fixed and left until the foam has completely dried. With such a volume of filler, the drying process will be approximately 72 hours.

Correcting shapes and appearance using papier-mâché

When the foam is completely dry, the gypsum needs to be removed. To do this, it should be cut into two halves using a construction knife. The remaining tape and tape must also be disposed of.

Now the mannequin is almost ready, all that remains is to make it more attractive and adjust the shape where necessary. The ideal option for solving this difficult task is to use papier-mâché.

The simplest recipe for its preparation is ordinary newspapers, filled with water for several minutes and mixed after that with PVA glue. Such a composition will easily stick to the dried mounting foam and will allow you to adjust the forms and lines of the mannequin. The result should be a figure, an example of which is shown in the photo.

Please note that papier-mâché takes time to dry. For example, a thin layer needs 48 hours, while a thicker layer may take 4 days.

As soon as the work with papier-mâché is completed, the mannequin will only have to be equipped with a metal stand and stand, as well as a little dress up. Clothing may be a cover made of batting or other similar material. This is necessary in order to smooth out the roughness characteristic of papier-mâché.