What is a shirt shirt?

Knitted wardrobe items - sweaters, pullovers, sweater dresses, hats - are again popular. Coarse and loose knit items, as well as unusual clothing accessories, are especially valued. The latter is exactly the shirt shirt.

What is this subject?

English nineteenth-century fashionistas called it nothing more than "buckle-down elegance." In fact, it is a decorative "bib" detachable or sewn to a shirt, women's shirt or dress . Can be worn under the bottom or top - depends on the particular removable model. Other common names for this item: modesty and shemizetka.

A bit of history

The history of the prototype of the shirt-front takes its count in the 16th century. Invented it in Venice. The need for a “bib” arose after dresses with a very deep neckline appeared at the peak of fashion. However, the usual wardrobe item appeared only 2 centuries later, at 18. Then it was worn exclusively by women. He became part of the male image a century later. The main wave of popularity came to the 19th century. She retreated only to the beginning of 20.

Important! Fashion in the case of chest inserts is cyclical. About every 25-30 years, they again become a trend.

We sewed shirt-fronts for certain purposes. There was a strict separation: these models are suitable for publication, and those are only for home use. Items from different categories differed in the quantity and quality of decorative elements, color, material .

This is the way of the shirt shirt in Europe. In Russia, on the contrary, the “bib” first became part of the men's wardrobe, and only then, eventually, moved to the women's. In the very first years only aristocrats could afford it: they ordered special white shirts from the tailors, from whom a decorative patch inset went down from the neck.

With the wave of democratization of society, the accessory quickly spread among other segments of the population. True, they had to be content not with the canonical version of the shirt-front, but with its more affordable version, sewn from the kolenor.

Important! Initially, the Russian shirt-front was not removable. This type was common exclusively among servicemen, and it was called the "Gavrilka". A little later, the sewn prototype gave way to the fastened part. In Europe, a detachable breastplate was called "plastron."

The domestic path is also different in that our men did not wear elongated false shirts, only short or solid (going with the shirt). Women, on the contrary, could afford to wear a model of any length over the dress.


In Russia, removable decorative shirtfronts and cuffs allowed to significantly save on appearance . People didn’t wash the whole shirt, but only its individual attached elements. Having 2 shirts at his disposal, it was possible to put them on one by one, and thereby observe the etiquette rule, according to which you cannot wear the same top for 2 days in a row.

Among the aristocrats, the breastplate performed the duties of drapery of the chest: it beautifully covered the neckline, but not tightly . Someone wore it as a replacement for a wide tie, others - to emphasize the neckline. For the third, the removable shirt-front became an opportunity to bypass the strict dress code during the intense heat: in this vein, they wore it not over, but instead of a shirt or blouse.

Important! A special shirt shirt that can be worn on the bare body instead of the shirt is called modesty.

What are the shirt front on the neck?

  1. Knitted. They have nothing to do with the finest accessory, which was decorated with frill, pleats and masterly embroidery. This is a woolen and practical element of the wardrobe, not only performing a decorative function, but rather replacing a scarf, and sometimes a hat . It is actively used by mothers of preschoolers, who are difficult to gather on the street in the off-season and in winter.
  2. From footer, fleece, velvet. An analogue of the previous model. It differs only in material and in the fact that some of them are connected with a hood. This is an imitation of the top of a sweatshirt, bomber or body.
  3. Zippered. These shirts are not solid, they have a clasp.
  4. Shirts that imitate snood and clamp. They do not lie on their shoulders exactly like a typical shemizetka, but are more like a scarf collar.
  5. Modesty. It differs in that it is worn on a naked body, and not on another piece of clothing.
  6. Tucker. An elongated cape model that could completely cover the back, arms, and also descend below the middle of the torso.
  7. Double models for mom and baby. Solution for slingam.

Important! It is not necessary to remove the knitted shemizette indoors. This is not considered a violation of decency, because this "bib" is assigned to the same category with shawls.

How and with what are fashionable modern shirt-fronters worn?

Openwork options that mimic multi-layered ties are worn:

  • with open dresses held on the chest;
  • over shirts and dresses without a neckline.

But at the peak of fashion, they are not, but knitwear. They are worn with sweaters (tone-on-tone or contrasting), pullovers and jumpers. In this set, the shirt front performs the function of a collar or a long and wide cape (depending on the specific type) . She is also used to create a typical image of a Frenchwoman. This bow is complemented by a beret and non-tight pants.

With a shirt, a woolen “bib” with a neck is also worn (more often as part of a set of hats and mittens, or with a jacket and jacket). Some manage to use it with evening dresses. However, in this case, the shirt-front should be well and complexly connected, richly or interestingly decorated .