How to pack a bag as a gift

If you want to give a bag to your loved one, it is important not only to think over the words with which you hand it, but also to take care of the beautiful packaging. We hope that the ideas from this article will inspire you to implement creative ideas that can truly please the person to whom you will present the desired present.

General recommendations for packing a bag as a gift

The most common ways to aesthetically package this accessory include:

  • colorful cardboard bags matching the size of the gift;
  • ordinary cardboard boxes, manually decorated with elegant paper and a bow;
  • ready-made gift boxes that can only be packed;
  • gift paper with which the product is wrapped.

You can use not only purchased paper, a gift will be very original, packed in newspapers drawn by a plait with an attached postcard; white paper, full of congratulations, and even better, verses of his own composition; sparkling and pleasantly rusting aluminum foil; soft crepe paper or rough burlap.

Reference! If you still decide to buy wrapping paper in a store, try to choose it in accordance with the nature of the person himself and your relationship with him.

The bag itself must be brought into the most presentable form before packaging. Handles must be unfastened and put inside the bag. Thus, if you want to put it in a box, the moving parts will not rattle and the risk of damage to the packaging from the inside will be reduced. If you want to wrap it in gift paper, then, firstly, it will be easier for you to do it yourself, and secondly, it will be more difficult to guess what is inside.

How to pack a bag beautifully as a gift to a man and a woman

In the first case, the best design is closer to the classic. Although, of course, age is of great importance - the younger the man, the more liberties and even some hooliganism you can afford. But, of course, do not forget to focus on character all the same, by "age" we primarily mean psychological:

  • One of the most unmistakable New Year's options is dark colors with gold or silver details.
  • If a man keeps up to date, craft paper is at the peak of popularity, you can wrap both the bag itself and the box in which it is placed. Design drawings look especially stylish on her. As a final accent, rough jute twine can be used.

In fact, both of the previous options are equally suitable for decorating a gift for a woman. But much more often she appreciates original design solutions more than men, so you have a wider scope for creativity.

For example, packaging from plain textiles decorated with ornaments, embroidery or monograms looks very beautiful. In addition, strangely enough, such a small detail as the ribbon that bandages it can turn a simply wrapped gift into a work of art. For example, if it is a velvet cord ending with tassels or decorative pebbles, the packaging will look much more original and spectacular. Or it can be a whimsically wrapped set of narrow and wide decorative ribbons made of fabric.

Also note that a bag for packing a bag can be not only aesthetic, but also functional: it can become a beautiful and convenient case for storing it. A pleasant bonus will be pleasant memories of the holiday every time the hostess of the bag will remove it and get it.

How to pack bags for customers beautifully

We offer you several options. You can try to fully copy them, or you can safely experiment with colors, textures and shapes:

  • For example, you can turn these funny monsters into a package with a bright cry.
  • A romantic option for packaging wicker and fabric bags.

  • Minimalistic natural version of the gift for the New Year.

  • If you want to play with the hero of the occasion by packing the gift so that he wonders if there really is a bag or something else, make it so that it evokes thoughts about this accessory, but at the same time anything could be contained inside.

  • One of the simplest and most economical options, nevertheless looking stylish: two sheets of wrapping paper and a ribbon, nothing more.
  • And here is a decoration option for a baby bag.

  • If the hero of the occasion is a fan of puzzles and puzzles, he will really like the gift, which he can not only unwrap, but also unravel.

And finally. A witty gift for fans of minimalism. All you need is just a box, a marker and a bit of drawing skills.