What to do so that the wool does not prick

Knitted woolen products are practical, lightweight, they pass air well and retain heat. The only drawback of such clothes is that they prick. Because of this, many children and adults refuse to wear such things, but in vain. Excessive barbs can be easily eliminated.

Reasons Why Woolen Things Are Very Prickly

Light tingling is a natural characteristic of wool.

The reasons for this unpleasant property are:

  • wool fiber has loose tips, which cause an unpleasant tingling sensation;
  • way to get wool: haircut or combing. Haircut, in contrast to combing, is a less laborious method of obtaining, however, the fibers are coarse, have fluffy tips that cause tingling. When combing the animal, the remaining hairs do not get into the raw materials, and things turn out to be tender, soft, pleasant for the body;
  • cashmere, mohair, alpaca, camel, merino wool - they all have different thread densities and degrees of barbiness.

Cashmere and merino items are never pricked. Products made of dog and camel hair have a pronounced tingling effect.

How to prevent a woolen thing from being pricked?

Scientists argue that the tingling effect that some types of wool have has a beneficial effect on human health. It stimulates nerve endings, enhances blood circulation. Many people do not agree to endure discomfort. For them, there are many methods with which you can get rid of the barbs of woolen products.

6 folk remedies

To make clothes softer, both modern products and old recipes, tested by many years of experience, will help.

Special washing powders and gels

Many washing powders and gels, for example, “Weasel”, “Lenor” perfectly soften the fabric, smooth out protruding hairs. The effect of their use does not last long, therefore it is necessary to use the products after each wash in accordance with the instructions on the packaging.

Conditioners, gels are more suitable for wool than powders. They perfectly soften the fibers without damaging the structure of things.

Shampoo and hair conditioner

These cosmetics soften wool fibers well. Things after using them will stop injecting and will smell good.

First, it is recommended to wash the product in warm water with shampoo, and then apply a balm, let it stand for 5 minutes, rinse the item, dry thoroughly, spread it out on a plane in a horizontal position.


A solution consisting of a teaspoon of glycerin and a liter of warm water does a good job of stabbing.


To make woolen clothes soft, it is necessary to rinse them in a solution consisting of a teaspoon of vinegar 9%, 10 liters of warm water, a teaspoon of salt.

Lemon acid

Often when rinsing things in water add one teaspoon of citric acid. Such a folk remedy, no worse than store gels and conditioners, will relieve the tingling effect.

Mustard powder

Many housewives used this method even before the invention of washing powder and gels. In a bowl of water, add 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, soak the product for an hour, then rinse well. Mustard softens the villi well, preventing the stinginess of the coat.

other methods

There are other equally effective methods by which you can make products soft, not irritating to the skin.

The most original method is the use of freezing. Under the influence of low temperatures, protruding hairs freeze and fall off. The wet thing should be placed in a plastic bag, sent to the freezer for 24 hours. After pulling out the product, rinse thoroughly and dry.

Another way to get rid of barbs is steaming. For this procedure, you will need a technique with a steam function: a steamer, steam cleaner or iron. Dry woolen product should be treated with a jet of steam, without touching the hot surface of the thing.

How to make a thing out of wool soft at first use - express method?

To prevent the new jacket from being worn during socks, it must be softened before first use - wash in water with shampoo, rinse with a special softening gel, squeeze slightly, send for two hours to the freezer. Then remove, thaw and dry.

During the drying process, it is recommended to shake the product in order to fluff the wool.

After such procedures, the new sweater will become soft and will not cause itching and discomfort for its owner.