Patterns of skirts for obese women

Shelves of shops are bursting with an abundance of things, and the problem of “how to dress beautifully” is still relevant. Moshposhiv will never be able to compete with an individually sewn thing. It takes into account all the nuances of the physique and makes all the necessary changes after a carefully conducted fitting.

Women's figures of chic sizes can be divided into five types.

  • Hourglass. Owners of this type with a small size of clothing do not need an individual sewing, and ready-made clothes rarely need adjustment. The shoulders and hips are the same width. The waist circumference is less than the circumference of the hips by 30%. You can wear almost everything; things with a pointed waistline look good.
  • "Pear". Feminine type of figure with narrow shoulders and wide hips. The relatively thin waist creates a good contrast with the line of the hips. Skirts from flowing heavy fabric of A-silhouette go well with this type. The silhouette is achieved due to the fit of clothes at the level of the waist and hips and smooth expansion to the bottom line.
  • Inverted triangle, sports figures - broad shoulders and relatively narrow hips. The type of figure goes well with a sporty style in clothes. When choosing a style for a skirt, preference should be given to models of a flared cut.
  • A rectangle is characterized by the same measurements of the chest and hips. To create a harmonious look, it is recommended to use a belt on the waist line in clothes.
  • The "apple" is often distinguished by beautiful legs, narrow hips and the absence of a waist, in the presence of a stomach. A narrow short skirt combined with a tunic will be a good choice.

How to make patterns with your own hands for obese women

The first pattern, for any figure, should be the base of a straight skirt. Using simple modeling techniques, on its basis you can build and sew a large number of models from different types of fabrics.

Initially, a preliminary calculation is made by the measurements taken. As a result, for the construction there is the width of the front and rear panels, the length of the product and the general solution of tucks.

Reference! The number of darts, their length depends on the size and physique. For a figure with a stomach, tucks along the waist line in front are not calculated.

When cutting the base for modeling, the desired silhouette of the future skirt should be taken into account.

We sew five luxurious patterns for simple patterns

For most girls of corpulent physique, several styles of skirts are suitable, there is no need to always wear only one look.

  • Pencil skirt is fully consistent with the base. She is very loved by full girls. Slimming effect helps on weekdays and holidays. The exception is the figures of a rectangle and an inverted triangle, which this style is contraindicated. Straight skirts without narrowing to the bottom line are suitable for girls with a pear figure. “Bullseye” needs a straight skirt without tucks in front. Hourglass can decorate the waist with a belt, down the skirt you can safely narrow, the silhouette will be incomparable.

  • The silhouette of the year is achieved by two types of cuts - wedges of a characteristic shape and a trimmed lower part in the form of a flare or poluklesha. Godet looks good on girls with an hourglass figure. Such a silhouette is not recommended only to “pears”, the rest need to choose models with a loose fit at the top.

  • A-line skirt is almost as beloved as a straight line. Smoothly expanding from the line of the hips to the waist, the inverted triangle and the apple balance the figure well. Emphasizes the merits of the figures hourglass and pear.

Reference! A-silhouette is a universal style, well suited for evening and elegant clothes. The skirt can be any length. For office style, you can choose a skirt model with minimal ticking down.

  • Tulip - a model with drapery or soft folds at the level of the hips, narrowed down and high waist. You can build drapery lines on the basis, cut them and push them apart depending on the desired volume. Well suited to these types of shapes, such as an inverted triangle and rectangle. Other girls are better off refrain from acquiring such a style, only if there is no desire to emphasize their features.

  • Long skirts can be of two types - A-line and straight. Of great importance is the choice of fabric. A denim skirt will make the figure cumbersome, you need a flowing, heavy fabric. It is very important to choose the right fabric color. Preference should be given to plain and fabrics with a small or dim pattern in combination with a plain top.


There is no more feminine type of clothing than a skirt. It goes well with the rest of the wardrobe of a modern woman. Wearing a skirt gives confidence, helps to feel beautiful and desirable. Allows you to complement the wardrobe with many new sets that are easy to assemble from existing blouses, tunics and a new skirt.

Owners of a chic figure are very useful to be able to sew or make friends with a talented seamstress. And then features will become virtues.