How to remove a print from a sweatshirt

Everyone in the wardrobe has clothes with an inappropriate print or pattern that has lost its visual appeal. What to do if the thing itself is in excellent condition, and you want to carry it on. Through simple manipulations, you can clean a sweatshirt or t-shirt from an unnecessary image without spoiling the thing itself.

Preparing to remove a print

First of all, you need to determine what material the decoration is made of. Typically, the manufacturer prints this information on the label. There are such types of stickers:

  1. Thermal stickers with a dense texture. They can not be ironed.
  2. Thermal printing.
  3. Applied with viscous paint using a stencil.
  4. Vinyl based applique.
  5. Sequins and rhinestones planted on glue.

The fabric from which the clothes are sewn is also important: synthetic or natural.

Before you start working with the sticker, you need to prepare the tools: iron or hair dryer, white paper or parchment, alcohol, scotch tape. All devices most likely will not be needed, but should be at hand.

Thermal sticker

If the image is bright and colorful, and the fabric texture is not visible through it, then this is a thermal sticker. There are the following ways to deal with it effectively. For natural fabrics, this method is suitable:

  • spread the item on a flat surface;
  • lay out parchment or white paper under the picture and above it;
  • iron with a hot iron until the image is transferred to paper.

For synthetics that cannot be exposed to high temperatures, this method is suitable:

  • put the thing in the freezer for several hours;
  • when the image begins to collapse, scrape it off with a knife.

Important! The method of heating through sheets of paper is suitable for clothes made of cotton or jeans. If there is any doubt about the thermal effects, then you can start by heating with a hairdryer or washing in hot water.

Vinyl applique

Vinyl-based images are usually dense, similar to rubber ones. To remove them you must:

  • lay the image with paper on all sides (you can put cardboard under the bottom);
  • heat the sticker with an iron or hairdryer;
  • while the picture is hot pull over the edge and tear it off;
  • remove glue residue with alcohol or vinegar;
  • wash a thing.

If the sticker is applied to a fabric that does not stretch, then you can use tape. It is necessary to stick pieces of adhesive tape and abruptly tear them off. This method is time consuming, but the most sparing for the fabric.

Thermal printing

Thermal images are the most persistent images and their removal is very problematic. To remove the sticker, you will need alcohol, laundry soap and a foam sponge:

  • moisten the sponge with alcohol;
  • soak the drawing;
  • wait for the thing to dry completely;
  • soap the picture with laundry soap and wash under running water.

Do not delay things with washing, since alcohol tends to evaporate.

If traces of glue remain, then they can be removed with alcohol, vinegar, and on white things - with white.

Advice! Before using whiteness, you need to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

Delete letters

The inscriptions made with special markers or paint will have to be displayed with alcohol, acetone or solvents. To do this, moisten a cotton sponge or sponge with a product and erase the image with sweeping movements, trying not to smear the paint. Most likely, several approaches will be required, periodically erasing the thing.

Under the influence of solvents, the appearance of the thing itself may suffer, so you will need to put a new one in place of the old sticker.

Useful Tips

If a chemical is used to remove the sticker, it is important to protect your hands (wear gloves) and observe safety precautions.

If after removing the sticker on the fabric greasy stains remain, then before washing you need to put on them a dishwashing detergent.

It should be noted that modern methods of printing on fabric, allow you to make high-quality images that are resistant to temperature. Therefore, if you can’t completely get the picture out, you can order another image on top of the old one, thereby updating the thing.