Why do I need a bra?

Women who are constantly forced to wear a bra, from time to time come up with the idea of ​​refusing a bra. However, you should not rush into such a decision. This idea has its pros and cons, which you can understand by familiarizing yourself with the benefits and harms of using a bust. So why is it needed?

Why did you come up with a bra?

In the beginning, he was regarded as a replacement for a corset. The latter fettered movement, noticeably deformed the skeleton and prevented breathing. After such underwear, the bra that appeared on the market seemed to women an incredibly convenient, practical and healthy thing.

The manufacturing company picked up their mood and in the advertising campaign made a bet on the medical aspect . The girls were assured that this novelty cures diseases of various kinds. Buyers believed and bought the goods at a fabulous price: in terms of modern money, 1 bra cost about 20 thousand dollars.

Although the miraculous healing properties of the busts were refuted over time, they remained in the wardrobe as a thing that contributes to the correct formation of secondary sexual characteristics and, to some extent, protects against stretch marks and ptosis.

What role does he play in a woman’s life?

Bra - a tool for modeling the body and maintaining youth, a hygienic need and weapons. Psychologists also insist that a red bra, a very expensive bust or just a favorite model helps a woman to get together and better prepare for an important event.


The areola of the nipple is covered with a very sensitive and thin epithelium. Wool, denim and other dense fabrics can lead to irritation or even damage . Therefore, under some outfits, you must definitely wear a bra.

Important! Foam models with thick cups additionally protect the mammary glands from mechanical injuries. In case of a push to the chest, they will reduce damage.

Saves form

Ptosis is a sign of aging, manifested as sagging breasts. From a medical point of view, the process is natural, but it is difficult for a woman to come to terms with the departure of youth. Bra acts as a tool to combat age-related changes in the bust . When used correctly, it can affect the rate of breast downward displacement.

Corrects the shape of the bust

Features of the bust that you can visually hide with the help of a properly selected bra:

  • displacement to the arms and a large distance between the breasts (with this form, the hollow does not look seductive);
  • asymmetry of the breasts (one is larger than the other or located higher);
  • low landing;
  • small fullness of breasts (most of all problems with an elongated, but insufficiently complete bust).

Important! Do not be shy that the left chest is slightly larger than the right. This feature is typical for most sexually mature girls.

Also, a bra must be worn by women who take steps aimed at correcting the mammary glands : they do exercises, go for massage, drink hormones and vitamins. In their case, the bust serves as a consolidating element of achievement, and also allows you to quickly achieve your goal.

Aesthetically beautiful

There must be a mystery in a woman. You can create it, including with the help of clothes and underwear. A beautiful bra that only partially opens the neckline excites the male consciousness and stimulates the part of the brain that is responsible for fantasy. Open breasts, naked nipples, on the contrary, leave no room for speculation and speculation.

A special place is occupied by openwork fantasy bras. They at the psychological level help the owner feel confident, comfortable and seductive . Such a girl positively attracts attention, being in clothes, and is more desirable in private with a partner.

Brings to perfection and push-up. The model does not just add volume, it lifts the bust and brings the breasts closer to each other, creating an appetizing hollow.

Useful or harmful?

It is now fashionable to put forward and prove theories that refute what has long been considered the ultimate truth. The breeze also touched on the subject of underwear. According to one of the existing versions, the bra does not fulfill the functions attributed to it . There is no benefit from him, but wearing it can cause:

  • stagnation of lymph and blood in the armpits and chest;
  • cancerous degeneration of glandular tissue;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin and irritation of the epidermis.

If you believe Jean-Denis Ruyon, whose scientific work is devoted to debunking the need for a bust, pathologies develop due to the fact that the muscles supporting the chest weaken due to lack of demand. Their functions are partially performed by bras, so they begin to atrophy. Well, constant compression leads to a violation of the circulation of lymph and blood in the chest area. This is dangerous by a decrease in sensitivity and theoretically can provoke the development of a tumor.

These theories are even supported by experimental results. However, the number and sample of participants, as well as the duration of the tests, are an occasion for skepticism about calls to refrain from wearing bras for medical reasons .

Important! The chest, like any other part of the body, must “breathe”. Because at night from the bra is still worth getting rid of.

Unambiguously, we can only talk about the harm caused by improperly selected underwear. An insufficiently deep cup contributes to trauma to the nipple and the appearance of diaper rash, digging straps rub and have a negative effect on the musculoskeletal system.

However, for the noticeable development of pathology, you need not only to buy the “wrong” bra, but also to wear it constantly, without removing or replacing it with other underwear. This is doubtful, since a small bust hurts, because it simply does not work for a long time to endure it.

What happens if you don’t wear a bra?

This behavior can not afford every woman living in the city. At work, appearing without underwear will certainly not be welcome. The boss is likely to reprimand. On the street, the girl who refused the bust will have to face the displeasure of other ladies, as well as aggressive sexual views and actions of men.

The moral side of the issue is adjacent to hygiene. It’s definitely not worth going without a bra for those who have recently become a mother or are preparing for this event. Nipples that are unprotected with foam are irritated by contact with the coarser fabric of sweaters. As a result, milk and colostrum are intensely excreted, and the skin of the areola begins to sore.

From a medical point of view, the refusal cannot be unambiguously interpreted. In addition to the main version, according to which without a bra, the breasts lower faster, lose their elasticity and shape, there is another one. According to her, an active woman involved in sports and performing exercises on the upper body can, without any harm to her appearance, completely remove the bra from her wardrobe .

In any case, it is worth choosing between refusal and wearing based on your social roles, age and health. If the back hurts less and the signs of ptosis are less obvious, then its use should not be abandoned under the influence of newfangled scientific theories. At the same time, owners of truly magnificent forms, in addition to a bra, must at least sometimes wear orthopedic corsets, which allow to unload the spine.