Which hand wear a wedding ring?

In different states, there are certain traditions regarding the features of wearing a wedding ring, which is considered a kind of embodiment of family shackles. The history of the emergence of these traditions is rooted in the distant past. A variety of theories have been put forward explaining why and how couples in different countries put on such jewelry. This is to some extent connected with religion, the characteristics of the human body, and in some cases with prejudice.


There are many different legends and theories related to the emergence of this symbol of family relationships. In accordance with one of the theories put forward, in ancient times the presence of rings (from various materials - gold, silver, copper and bronze) was evidence of the wealth of their owner .

The groom presented them as a gift to his future wife (and in certain countries to her parents) as proof that he would be able to provide his future wife with everything necessary and worthy to support her.

According to another version, since ancient times, such a product personified infinity . The bride and groom, putting on this peculiar embodiment of family shackles, made a vow of selfless love .

According to another theory, rings are recognized as links in a chain connecting spouses with tight ties. The newlyweds wore such accessories as evidence of the inviolability of the marriage ties with which they were firmly connected.

The emergence of tradition with rings

The custom of putting on symbolic articles of this type on the fourth finger of the left hand was originally born in Ancient Egypt. Wealthy Egyptians used strips of precious metals connected in the shape of a circle for this purpose, and people with a low level of prosperity managed unpretentious iron options.

When studying human anatomy, the ancient Egyptians came to the conclusion that directly from the fourth finger of the left hand stretches a nerve (often called the “vein of love”) to the heart itself.

Reference! For the first time, the process of exchanging such symbolic rings took place at a wedding ceremony in the IV century.

Many years ago, the rulers made a decision on how to wear such a symbolic accessory. In certain countries, these accessories were also worn on the thumb. Every nation has its own characteristic customs regarding the use of accessories of this kind.

Religion dictates on which hand to wear a wedding ring

Traditionally, this kind of jewelry is usually placed on the fourth (ring) finger . In certain European languages, in English, for example, it has a suitable name: ring finger ("ring finger") .

Religion has a significant impact on the way you wear such an accessory.

Reference! In the old days, it was customary to recognize wedding rings as a powerful amulet that reliably protects family happiness and protects a husband and wife from various troubles.


Orthodox Christians place such products exclusively on the ring finger of their right hand, since it is this hand (right hand) that symbolizes the correct actions . The Orthodox side of the body is considered the most important.

It is believed that this side is responsible for wealth and well-being . With their right hand, people professing Christianity greet each other and overshadow themselves with the sign of the Cross.


In most Western countries, Catholics wear these symbolic jewelry on the ring finger of their left hand. This is due to the fact that in Catholicism the ring finger of the left hand is usually associated with a heart located on the same side.

Important! Catholics often carry two such accessories on their left hands, one of which symbolizes an engagement, and the other a betrothal.


Muslims, paying tribute to ancient customs, prefer to do without wedding rings . If men in such countries wear wedding rings, they put them on their left hand. Muslim men do not wear gold products. According to the religious norms in force in such countries, they can only wear silver jewelry.

Muslim women wear gold wedding rings on either hand, most often on their left.

Reference! According to the Muslim religion, jewelry made of gold brings men trouble and is recognized as a bad sign.

Who else wears the ring on his left hand?

Armenians - Christians, they also wear these symbolic accessories on their left hands, explaining that through this hand passes the energy of love, supporting the family in difficult times. This tradition is supported by Cubans, Mexicans, French, Turks, Japanese and Canadians. It is customary to wear these symbolic jewelry on the left hand in the countries of South Africa and in most Asian countries.

Reference! In Sri Lanka, the groom wears a wedding ring on his right hand and the bride on his left.

On the right hand

In accordance with ancient customs, in Russia a wedding ring is worn on the right ring finger.

In addition, it is customary to wear engagement and engagement rings on the right hand: in Venezuela, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Greece, Poland, Serbia, Spain, India, Israel, Iceland, Norway, Colombia, Chile. In the Netherlands, those who do not profess Catholicism adhere to this custom.

Special cases

This type of decoration on the ring finger is an indicator of status, but at the same time such an accessory can act not only as evidence of marriage ties. With a divorce and loss of a spouse, the wedding ring is also worn, but in special ways.


In countries where Christianity is professed, after a divorce, it is customary to dress the ring from one hand to the other . But many prefer in this case to completely get rid of such an accessory in order to avoid constant reminders of this unpleasant event.

Advice! It is not necessary to redo such jewelry left after a divorce, it can bring negative energy with it. This is a bad omen.

Spouse's death

In this case, it is customary to wear a similar accessory on the second hand. There is an opinion that loyalty to a loved one is manifested in a similar way. But many people are of the opinion that such a product is strictly not recommended to be worn after the death of one of the spouses.

You can not give any of the relatives a similar decoration. It will not bring the new owner anything but anxiety, worries and negative emotions.

Signs with wedding rings

A lot of various superstitions are often associated with these accessories, based on which, many people try to find out if the newlyweds expect a warm, trusting and harmonious relationship in the future.

The most common signs are usually the following:

  • Parents of the bride and groom are not recommended to give their wedding rings to the bride and groom if the marriage of the parents broke up. It is believed that this kind of jewelry is able to accumulate and store energy information about the previous owner.
  • A negative sign is to give such a piece of jewelry to try on to other people . However, along with this, letting an unmarried girl touch such an accessory is a good sign. It is a way to “share” your own family fortune.
  • Both wedding rings must be acquired by the groom . Both products should be purchased on the same day and in the same store . The couple can choose the appropriate option together, but in any case the man must pay for such an acquisition.
  • Such accessories should not be purchased while in a negative mood. In this case, it is recommended to postpone the purchase until later.
  • It is considered a bad omen to wear such an ornament before the wedding ceremony. If the couple wants to emphasize the seriousness of intentions, it is recommended to purchase special engagement rings for this purpose.
  • In order to maintain good relations between spouses, it is undesirable to remove wedding rings if there is no good reason for this. Spouses are also not recommended to exchange wedding rings with each other, since each such jewelry has a special energy and can have a completely different effect on spouses, even despite the fact that these people can be very close to each other.

An engagement ring is not just a beautiful decoration, but a significant accessory symbolizing the creation of a family.

If the newlyweds are of different faiths, they decide that everyone will wear the ring according to their traditions. Therefore, the fingers can be different: the bride has the right hand (Orthodoxy), and the bridegroom has the left hand (Catholic or other).

Most of the representatives of different states try to adhere to the issues of wearing wedding rings of the customs of their country, observing religious and cultural traditions.