How to wear short boots

A skirt - a mini, sun or a straight cut, a light dress of a free cut, worn on a T-shirt, a skinny of a bright shade - these are just a few examples of clothes that form a harmonious union with low boots. Perhaps they can be worn with anything. Unless with evening dresses, Turkish pants and mermaid-style skirts.

Short boots: what to wear

It is preferable to rely not so much on fashion as on the features of the figure and legs. So, for example, you can dream about Chelsea as much as you like, but if the foot is long, then you should not buy them. If you already bought it, turn to straight classic oversized trousers (not jeans). A small flaw will be hidden behind the wide legs.

Important! Skinny is getting out of fashion. If you really like very narrow models, then take a look at the shortened, tight-fitting trousers.

By style

Direction must be selected based on the type of boots, the length of the shaft (reaches the ankle or not). The presence or absence of laces plays a role, as well as the shape of the toe of the shoe.

With oxfords, chelsea and timberlands, you can definitely dress in preppy style. Student and school wardrobe items, especially pleated short skirts and tight-fitting dresses with a collar, look great with boots on level soles or small square heels.

Important! This image will be complemented with a sweater or a white shirt in combination with a sleeveless jacket or a fitted jacket.

Combine trouser suits like garson with chelsea, brogues and oxfords. With the listed shoes, not only pants of a classic cut look good, but also bohemian models. Especially with the first and last look. Let the shirt of the most traditional cut (without decorative elements, on buttons, with a starched collar) act as the top.

Slightly skinny jeans of a casual style will fit, without exception, to all shoes. This garment is in harmony with both the stiletto heel ankle boots and the thick-soled martins. Well, the universal top this season is a large knit oversized sweater.

Country, boho and folk are directions that, in a certain context, will also be able to “shoot” with low boots. And do not blindly refuse skirts and dresses made in these styles. On the contrary, they are most harmonious with low boots. You can try and lace models and leather.

A win-win option is street fashion. In this direction, they will find a suitable kit and slender and full girls, and low and high.

By model

Memo on the selection of outfits depending on the type of shoe:

  • leather low shoes with heels, wineglass and laces look great with puffy skirts and dresses below the knee;
  • thin girls should try to wear boots without a heel with an English traditional costume for boys (let there be a cap on the head, and do not forget the braces - without them the image will be incomplete);
  • parkas look great with leather and suede chelsea, timberlands and martins on a flat or ribbed sole, but this item of the upper wardrobe has almost gone out of style (instead, buy an oversized shortened down jacket);
  • wear patent leather shoes that do not fall below the ankles.

By color and material of boots

At the peak of fashion:

  • suede and nubuck;
  • patent leather low boots with laces;
  • a combination of 2 materials (for example, suede warp and patent leather with sock);
  • burgundy, gray, blue, brown and gray patterns.

Examples of harmonious combinations:

  • black shoes and dense tights exactly the same color (but the capron looks bad, especially if the shoe has a fur trim);
  • leather models and a wool coat;
  • blue shoes and gray, pink, creamy skirts;
  • brown boots and a red jacket or down jacket;
  • knitted sweater dresses and suede patterns;
  • all wardrobe items tone on tone with shoes;
  • brown timberland and military pants;
  • red shoes and a classic combination of black bottom and white top;
  • laced platform shoes and socks peeking from under the boot.

To match the color of the shoes, you should try to pick up a scarf. It will look interesting provided that the shoes are not made in black colors.