How to wear a boho style at 50 and not miss it?

Layering, asymmetric cut, natural fabrics, A-silhouette - this is what is recommended for ladies over 50 in the framework of the style of "boho" . The picture is complemented by the possibility of wearing a beloved jewelry that has remained since youth. And you will undoubtedly be considered incredibly stylish and fashionable if you appear in a long-field cape of your own manufacture.

Putting all these points together, we get that the ethnic fashion direction was simply created for ladies who managed to accumulate a lot of vintage and unusual little things in their wardrobe over a long life.

What boho clothes can I wear after fifty?

Age is just the numbers in the passport. The important thing is not how many years you lived, but how they lived. It is from the last factor that your physical condition depends. The better it is, the more ethnic things and colors you can afford.

So, for example, a woman who looks her age is recommended to use exclusively loose unassembled dresses . However, a slender tall lady of a youthful type can very well afford a fitted colorful model on the floor, and also sewn from a flowing, scattering fabric when moving.


A-line without a hint of waistline is what you need . This is the base. The thing will suit both a miniature lady and the owner of curvaceous. Smelling models are also acceptable, but you should refrain from options with a high waist . Reason: they are often worn without a bra, and the breasts of a 50-year-old woman from the medical, social and aesthetic side of the issue require constant support by a reliable bra.

Important! The more complicated the dress, the easier the hairstyle should be. Otherwise, the core will disappear, the image will break and decay.

In the color palette, confine yourself to natural, natural shades, but avoid marsh and similar ones . Brown-green and similar colors "lie" on the face and make it sick and haggard. This effect obviously does not help you look better and younger.

No need to be afraid of decor. This style is characterized by ties, inserts of printed fabric, the effect of crumpled fabric, waves. In a small amount, these elements are not contraindicated for you (exception: very children's frills). But the decision regarding the appropriateness of a vintage volumetric sleeve with a cuff at the end or an elastic band is made after trying on.

A thin woman in good physical shape can wear things with such a detail, but the rest will have to put on a dress and check whether the magnificent sleeve looks redundant and does not open more than is required. At the same time, ordinary flared sleeves deserve your attention. They can be up to the elbow or to the wrist. Both options are appropriate and will suit your age and status.


The playful elements on the skirt do no harm to anyone, and do not even try to get away from them, citing age. The only thing that is unacceptable is transparent materials and shuttlecocks . At the same time, small openwork inserts in a very limited amount on the hem of the boho outfit look very appropriate.


Trapezoidal very long tunics with wide straps should be the base of the wardrobe . You can wear them not only with trousers, but also with a skirt on the floor. At the same time, try to avoid such a phenomenon when the hem is much wider than the sweatshirt, therefore it is going to fold and pulling on the skirt . Because of this, the image will lose its lightness, become voluminous and awkward. Turn into a bell or a cartoon woman on a samovar. The first option will be achieved in the case of a uniform dress, the second in the presence of a bright catchy ethnic pattern.

The width of the straps and their unusual fit - the shoulder line is offset, is not where it is usually - are a prerequisite. The cutout can be anything — oval, round, V-shaped or square — but not excessively deep. A pronounced neckline is designed for younger women.

Important! If you have purchased a very low-necked boho tunic, then wear it over a lighter shirt. She will appear through the neckline, do not be embarrassed by that. This is what is intended.

If you need to close your hands - many ladies after 50 years have such a need - supplement the outfit with a cardigan or wrap. The thing can be longer or shorter than the tunic, layering allows both options.


The safest option is a straight-cut model with a normal waistline . Style and landing will help to hide flaws and remain within the framework of refined wise restraint. In the summer, buy pants of this kind of light shade, in the off-season, complement the wardrobe with a pair of dark colors. Black pants are also acceptable. They look great with snow-white and bodily elongated tunics.

Flare jeans deserve your attention. They are also a wardrobe with signs of boho. More precisely, they relate to one of its currents. The thing looks good on both slender and full women, but the latter should avoid extremes. Take a model with a slight extension down, and leave a strong one for long-legged fragile young girls.

Add accessories to the image

The priority is wooden, leather, lace and metal jewelry . And it should look just like jewelry, and not disguise itself as jewelry. If the jewelry does not pretend to be what it is, then it can be worn by teenage girls, but not by their mothers or grandmothers.

Long hanging threads of large beads, wide round wooden and plastic bracelets, woven products look good. Let them be fancy and textured, vintage and folklore.

Important! Boho is saturated with ethnic notes. Therefore, stylized Egyptian, Indian or Native American jewelry perfectly coexist in this style.

Try to purchase or make your own little things of the following types:

  • voluminous brooch made of fabric, lace, leather;
  • brooch of the type "flower bouquet" of yarn;
  • a ring with a massive semi-natural non-shiny stone, set in metal, on which time has managed to leave its imprint;
  • earrings with many pendants or just hanging jewelry;
  • necklace with fringe and stones;
  • necklace made of interwoven ropes and wooden decor;
  • a long string of beads of a bright shade.

Do not be afraid of voluminous and large pendants . In combination with a long cord or chain, they will stretch the figure. And it’s absolutely not scary if the jewelry will be created by you personally. Everything that is done by hands acquires a special charm within the ethnic style.

Which shoes fit the style?

The main shoe in the summer is slates and sandals. Preferably leather or textile. It is good if they are decorated with floral patterns, weaving or straps . The latter are dangerous only if the ankle is covered. In this case, the leg should look perfect, otherwise the decorative element will increase its volume.

Important! If you want to visually make your legs longer, then the shoes should be in tone with the trousers.

In the offseason and winter, go to the embroidered boots. Heel is possible, but not a hairpin and not a massive column. The "glass" will look on the leg of a 50-year-old woman much more elegant.

Do you wear coarse shoes? In general, boho loves such shoes and praises her for the opportunity to play in contrasts, but not every woman, even a young woman, will be able to look worthily in the “martens”. Still, such solutions require a perfect figure and slender legs. If the caviar is full, then it is better to stop on boots.

"Warm" ensemble in the style of boho

Be sure to buy a knitted cardigan or make it yourself. Watch the color palette of the thing and the thickness of the fabric . A massive gray canvas can play a trick, especially in a multi-layered situation. Screaming colors are also contraindicated . It should stop on coffee, black, sand, beige, blue or red.

For the bottom, take trousers (black, dark blue, gray) or jeans (straight, slightly flared or bold boyfriends). The latter can in no way be attributed to boho, but the direction itself is perfectly consistent with certain things of the classical and street direction. Black trousers are a prime example.

As a top, take a trench coat of a natural shade, preferably light. Replace it with a free cut coat or vest. The last wardrobe item can be either long or shortened, depending on the kit. So, for example, taking a fitted light colorful dress, complement it with a warm sleeveless jacket to the waist. Well, trousers and jeans ask for an elongated top.

Of hats, headscarves and wide-brimmed hats are preferred. Knitted voluminous beret is possible, but only on condition that it does not age, it fits the shape of the face and looks relevant.

What to wear in the summer?

Allow yourself things of light shades . They are refreshing, and this property comes to the fore when it comes to making a wardrobe for mature ladies. For the same reason, you do not need to keep clear of white . It can fill and blur the silhouette in combination with a free cut, but black and color accessories will help restore borders.

Important! Full ladies should remember about hands. Usually by the age of 50, the hands in the upper part cease to look attractive. Therefore, try not to wear sleeveless clothes on the street. Let the detail be small, but such an option is still better than nothing at all.

From fabrics it is preferable natural: linen, cotton, nettle . They are lightweight, do not interfere with skin respiration and look good in a free cut.