How to choose compression stockings?

Problems with veins and congestion in the lymphatic system require wearing specialized underwear. For example, compression stockings. This type of medical knitwear is intended for independent use. It is worn either all day or only a few hours a day. The product is removed at night, but this rule has its exceptions . The method of application depends on the model of the stocking and the condition of the patient. How to choose such stockings?

What types and classes of compression hosiery exist?

The main classification divides compression underwear into 3 categories:

  • hospital;
  • preventive;
  • medical.

The first type is used in a hospital. The second helps to avoid pathologies of the veins. They turn to him when the first symptoms of varicose veins appear and in the presence of a tendency to the disease. Well, medical knitwear is included in the complex therapy of a number of diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory system.

Important! Stockings are not suitable for monotherapy. In parallel with the wearing of medical knitwear, you need to take medication, exercise therapy, go for massage and follow a diet.

Depending on the purpose and method of application, compression stockings are divided into 4 types according to the degree of compression:

  1. The first class of compression. The products are recommended for people who spend a lot of time on their feet or in a sitting position, have a predisposition to varicose veins, or have already discovered the initial signs of diseases of the lymphatic or circulatory system.
  2. Second class. The most commonly used underwear. It is used as part of the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, including in stationary conditions.
  3. Third class. Products are intended for severe, aggravated and advanced forms of diseases of the venous and lymphatic systems.
  4. Fourth grade. Almost not in demand. They resort to it with a limited list of pathologies of the lymphatic system.
  5. Zero class. Products are characterized by a minimum degree of compression. Suitable for preventing stagnation and relieving foot fatigue. Stockings of this class are included in the list of things that pregnant women need when entering the maternity ward. They are used by athletes.

Knitwear is distinguished by appearance. Colored products are produced, black and flesh-colored. The latter option is not much different from kapron stockings. The traditional black version can be focused not only on the female, but also on the male audience.

How do compression stockings work?

They act as a modern alternative to elastic bandages, which with the help of comprehensive compression reduced the lumen of the veins. Bandages were almost universally abandoned, since an ordinary person does not have the skills necessary for the proper application of such medical devices, and therefore is not able to independently apply them daily.

Compression stockings in this regard are much more convenient. They can be worn and removed without the help of others. Due to this, it is easy to adapt to the requirements of the doctor regarding the duration of the socks, as well as to avoid unwanted excessive pressure on the walls of blood vessels and veins.

Important! Stockings work in the same way as elastic bandages. They comprehensively compress the leg, due to which the enlarged veins are narrowed, ascending blood flow is established and the symptoms of lymphatic and blood stasis are eliminated.

The safety of this type of medical knitwear becomes apparent when compared with other products with a similar principle of action. If compression tights squeeze the pelvic organs, which in the long run can lead to diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems, as well as provoke intoxication of the body, then stockings affect only the legs .

Moreover, the maximum compression is observed in the lower part of the limbs, and the hip zone is practically not involved. Such localization allows you to avoid unnecessary compression of peripheral nerves and blood vessels, that is, to exclude a factor contributing to the development of thrombosis.

Important! Compression stocking in the lower leg: 100%. Compression of stockings in the hips: 30–40%.

Also, stockings are much easier to put on and take off. The value of this quality is revealed in daily use. Women who wear compression tights often complain that going to the restroom takes too much time. And all because of the complexity of handling medical tights. Stockings end below the groin line, and therefore their effect on the wearer's lifestyle is less pronounced.

When are they needed?

Stockings of the zero and first compression classes are intended primarily for the prevention of varicose veins. The disease has a pronounced hereditary character: venous weakness is transmitted from generation to generation.

However, diseases, in addition to genetic prerequisites, need an activating factor. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, spend 6-8 hours daily sitting at the workplace, this can be regarded as a signal about the need to acquire compression hosiery with the lowest compression rate.

Other reasons for acquiring a compression class 1 stocking:

  • systematic weight lifting (due to official duties, for example);
  • preparation for childbirth (during delivery, any type of weakness of the varicose walls can develop, starting with hemorrhoids and ending with varicose veins of the legs);
  • daily wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • the presence of diseases that affect blood flow in the limbs (but not diseases that narrow the venous lumen).

Important! Compression stockings are worn not only for varicose veins, but also for thrombosis, lymphedema, thrombophlebitis.

The presence of symptoms of varicose veins - evening swelling of the legs, night cramps, the appearance of a "mesh" on the lower extremities - without fail requires the use of compression knitwear. However, do not purchase it yourself. It is necessary to get advice from a phlebologist. He will determine:

  1. what stage the disease is at;
  2. what compression class is required;
  3. Duration of wearing (how many hours a day you will need to wear stockings).

Permission to use medical knitwear must be obtained not only from a phlebologist, but also from a cardiologist . Reason: some diseases of the cardiovascular system may be aggravated by the compressive action of compression stockings.

Contraindications to stockings

It is inappropriate to refer to medical stockings for the following diseases, conditions and factors:

  • endoarteritis;
  • chronic low blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • pressure sores;
  • thromboangiitis;
  • septic phlebitis;
  • signs of atrophy of the muscle layer of the venous walls;
  • pulmonary and heart failure.

Persons prone to irritation of the skin and follicles must obtain permission to wear from a dermatologist . Reason: compression hosiery, especially chosen incorrectly, can act as a prerequisite for the development of infectious skin diseases. The following factors lead to such a development of events:

  1. incorrectly selected or very high compression;
  2. untimely washing of stockings (according to the rules they should be washed every evening);
  3. diseases that prevent the normal renewal, healing and nutrition of skin cells;
  4. diseases that are expressed as rashes or formations on the skin;
  5. high sensitivity of the epidermis, a tendency to irritation.

Important! Heat does not involve the use of corrective or compression knitwear. Wearing it on a very warm day significantly increases the risk of developing skin diseases, and also has a negative effect on sweating and heat transfer.

Criteria for choosing compression stockings

Price should not be a guiding factor. Let stockings of the 1st compression class cost much less, but their compressive ability may not be enough. In this case, wearing knitwear will not be useful.

You need to determine in advance under what clothes the stockings will be worn. This moment allows you to choose between color, transparent, flesh and black knitwear models.

Medical products should be purchased only through pharmacy chains . You cannot check the medical quality of the product yourself. To avoid the purchase and further use of stockings, which in fact do not possess any useful properties, do not refer to online resources or stores of ordinary underwear.

For operation

Anti-embolic hospital knitwear is designed to reduce the likelihood of stagnation in patients who are temporarily limited in physical activity. For this purpose, compression stockings of 0 and 1 class are used . Permissible compression ratio: 15–21 mm Hg. Art. A more accurate range is determined by the doctor based on the type of surgical intervention.

Important! Compression underwear reduces the risk of venous disturbances in the postoperative and postpartum period by 2 times.

Type of operation and stocking class:

  • during gynecological operations, they often resort to knitwear with a compression ratio of 18–21 mm Hg. st .;
  • the second class is attributed to patients and patients who have already been diagnosed with problems with elasticity of blood vessels and veins by the time of surgery;
  • in operations involving a long restorative bed rest, the degree of compression is gradually increased, but they begin with stockings of class 0.

Important! During natural childbirth, a healthy woman is usually satisfied with underwear of class 0. It is he who is taken with him to the hospital, unless there are other doctor's recommendations.

With varicose veins

Determining the necessary degree of compression should be entrusted to a specialist. Sometimes a disease for a long time proceeds in a latent form, and therefore its external manifestations - the presence of asterisks and venous network - cannot be the main guideline.

Important! With varicose veins, stockings of compression class 2 or 3 are prescribed.

If the disease progresses and the specialist has prescribed wearing compression class 3 clothes, try to purchase a model that includes threads with silver ion sputtering. The technology is called Clima Fresh. Due to it, the hygiene of stockings is increased and the likelihood of skin problems is reduced.

In very severe cases of varicose veins, the doctor may attribute the temporary use of medical knitwear to grade 4. However, there must be good reason for such a decision, since a similar degree of limb compression can lead to irreversible tissue trophic disturbances. For this reason, increased compression garments are removed from free sale. It is sold only through a limited number of pharmacies and only subject to the availability of a prescription written out in accordance with all the rules.

How to determine the size?

Incorrectly selected medical knitwear not only does not bring benefits, but can also cause skin or vascular pathology. To prevent this from happening, before purchasing a stocking, you need to take measurements. Measurements are taken in the morning . At this time of day, puffiness is either completely absent or not so pronounced.

Measurements are taken along 4 lines or parameters. Measured indicators:

  • shin diameter (at the narrowest point);
  • leg length (from thigh to heel);
  • thigh diameter;
  • diameter of tibia (at the widest point).

If you do not have the skills to take measurements, then it is better not to take risks and ask the seller for help . They should provide buyers with comprehensive assistance in the selection of goods.

size table

There is a special table, based on which it is easy to determine the appropriate size of knitwear. It is universal, but some manufacturers use their own scale and marking method. Before buying, check with the seller this moment.

Brands to choose

The products of the following companies are in demand:

  • Julius Zorn;
  • Ecotene;
  • Bauerfeind;
  • Ortho;
  • Medi Bayreuth;
  • Intertextile;
  • Ofa Bamberg.

Phlebologists often recommend products from Germany and Switzerland . These manufacturing countries place the highest demands on manufactured medical products. Only really high-quality, safe and healthy stockings get a certificate.