Why you can’t sew a button crosswise: superstitions and signs

Modern people are used to and cannot imagine their life without buttons. This is a necessary attribute in everyday life, to which hardly anyone attaches great importance. But our ancestors believed that a button is not just an accessory that helps keep clothes on or makes them beautiful. Our ancestors claimed that this is a real amulet or amulet, which carries a secret meaning. That is why until today many signs and beliefs have been preserved that are respected no matter what.

Why you can not sew buttons on the cross

The cross is a symbol that is widely used in religion and the occult sciences. That is why many people believe that you cannot sew accessories with four holes with a cross. Allegedly, this entails further misfortunes and setbacks. Perhaps in some cases this statement is true, but most housewives consider this method the most convenient and correct.

Important! Many ladies believe that a button sewn crosswise holds better and looks more aesthetically pleasing than buttons sewn in other ways.

In any case, if a woman is superstitious, one should pay attention to other beliefs that claim that such a method of sewing does not carry any negative in itself. So it is believed that the crossed thread, on the contrary, will bring the owner beauty and good health.

Button sewn crosswise - “put a cross on yourself.”

Positive aspects of this method

Each housewife must independently choose the method of sewing buttons with four holes, which is most convenient for her. And the signs here have no meaning. However, you can give originality to things and try to invoke positive moments in your life using the method of sewing accessories.

There are several different options for sewing using cross-threading:

  • a cross closed on both sides or an inverted hourglass (promises the owner an increase in material well-being);
  • a cross enclosed in a square, closed on four sides (will bring fiery love to the life of the possessor of the thing);
  • ordinary cross without closed sides (will bring the owner beauty and good health).

Important! In ancient times, spouses always sewed buttons to their husbands in a special way to protect them from evil and save them during fights. Often used special buttons that differ from the usual shape or color.

Do not blindly believe the signs and believe that such a small detail of the wardrobe can radically change your life and attract misfortunes into it. It is much more correct to believe in positive moments and to avoid prejudice.