Why wear a wedding ring on the ring finger

Such a complicated jewelry, which is the “decision of two hearts, ” like a wedding ring, is usually worn on the ring finger. The bride and groom put them on each other and do not take off on the continuation of the whole life together.

Why engagement on a nameless

Interesting! According to an ancient parable, the ring fingers of both hands indicate spouses. The little fingers are children, the big ones are parents, the role of brothers is assigned by the index, and the middle one is identified with the person himself. If you connect your palms so that your fingers are in contact, then each pair except the penultimate one will be able to freely disconnect. An unnamed pair is impossible to tear apart from each other in this position.

History of this fact

The custom of putting symbolic wedding jewelry on the ring fingers has been known for a very long time. In ancient Egypt, couples who decided to tie family ties wore symbolic jewelry on the second finger of the left hand after the little finger. The Egyptians, who were well guided in the anatomy of the human body, knew that a large artery was going from the heart along the left arm, which branches into vessels just in the ring finger. Putting a wedding ring on him, they believed that in doing so they made the husband or wife closer to their heart.

Orthodox people put on hoops on their right hand. It is with the right hand that Christians are baptized and believe that behind each person’s right shoulder is an angel protecting from troubles.

Does everyone wear wedding rings like that

Unlike the Ancient Egyptians in India, wedding rings were worn only on the right hand for a long time, believing that everything on the left was related to evil spirits. The Germans wear an engagement jewelry on the right, and after the ceremony they dress him on his left hand.

For Jews, it is customary to wear a wedding band only to wives. During the ceremony, the husband puts on his wife’s jewelry on the index right, after the wedding, she herself must change his nameless.

In the Muslim religion, the tradition of exchanging such jewelry during a wedding is completely absent. They do it rarely, as a tribute to modern fashion.

Interesting! Modern couples are increasingly abandoning the usual jewelry in favor of symbolic tattoos. Various inscriptions or images are stuffed on the lower phalanx, whose meaning only newlyweds can understand.

On which finger to wear a wedding ring today, each couple decides for herself. Strict rules are followed only by believers passing through the ceremonies of church weddings.