Why throwing a pillow is bad. Energy Rules

A pillow is the same thing that is difficult to part with in the morning. Even harder parting forever. Keeping it for more than 5 years is unhealthy, but throwing it away is also undesirable . What consequences can be and how to act correctly will be discussed in our article.

Why pillows need to be changed

Many people do not like to part with their favorite things, especially with regard to pillows. And very in vain, because of their prolonged use, diseases can occur.

Important! After 3 years, even the highest quality down product should be replaced.

To not sleep with dust mites

This is due to the fact that the contents of the product becomes an excellent medium for the reproduction of various microorganisms, namely a dust mite. The insect feeds on the microscopic debris of the skin that you leave on the pillow. One or more dust mites can not do any harm. But over time, they multiply, their number exceeds tens of thousands.

Now think about whether you had to get up with a runny nose or very tired, although there were no prerequisites for such a condition? It's all about the dust mite, more precisely, in the reaction to the waste of its life.

Breeding these insects is an almost impossible task. Even if you remove absolutely all the ticks, in a week they may appear again in the old product . Therefore, every 5-7 years it is recommended to change the pillow.

And if the filler is different?

What about synthetic things in which a tick simply cannot live?

Yes, these insects cannot reproduce there, and even start. But here it is worth remembering that over time, the synthetic filler simply goes astray and becomes unusable . The same applies to silk or bamboo.

So, doctors insist on changing pillows. But not only doctors talk about these products. There are many signs that convey folk experience and attitude.

How to treat a pillow

If you use a thing for a long time, it is filled with a certain energy. It makes sense to consider some of the signs that relate to pillows.

  • Cases of pillowcases of these products should be turned on each other . This eliminates the possibility of a quarrel between spouses.
  • Put on your old pillow a pillowcase in a yellow, orange, or other warm shade. Happiness and prosperity will reign in your home, and your husband or wife will forget all conflicts.

  • If your pillow is full of feathers and feathers, then it will ease the suffering from illness. With her, you can recover much faster .
  • Put a few bay leaves under the old pillow. So you will only have good dreams, and insomnia will no longer bother you.

Advice! Girls can add yarrow. Thanks to him, he will be able to see his fiance.

  • It is better not to take pillows as gifts . They often make magic lining.

And most importantly - folk traditions forbid throwing out old pillows !

Old pillows: why not throw away?

As already mentioned, they must be changed at least once every 5 years. It was believed that negative energy is concentrated in them, and its clots can affect a person’s health and mood . Moreover, they overshadow the aura of the home.

But, as we have said, you cannot throw them away! After all, it is in them that your thoughts, memories, energy are stored . This means that someone else can damage you .

What to do in order not to store

How to be? I do not want to store the product with ticks. And without them, why litter the house with things that you no longer use? But then I recall the words of my grandmother forbidding throwing.

The best solution is to burn! If there is such an opportunity, use it! The fire will completely destroy all the information that accumulated in the product.

It is far from always possible to realize this (albeit desirable). So you have to throw it away!

Advice! In this case, first wash well or just rinse the pillow before you get rid of it.

This will reduce the risk of negative impact, and you will be calmer.