Why priests don’t wear wedding rings

People who regularly attend church often noticed that priests do not have a wedding ring on their fingers. Some of them attributed this to the fact that the clergyman was simply not married, while others believed that it was a sin. However, the reason lies in the form of religion, as well as in the individual characteristics of a person.

What does the priest ring symbolize

For the clergyman, as well as for any other person, this product, first of all, symbolizes marriage ties, and also emphasizes the loyalty of married people to each other. Wearing a ring is a very ancient custom, which was described in the Old Testament book, Genesis. Initially, this custom served as the consolidation of a business agreement between the parties, but later it all turned into a wedding tradition.

For the first time they began to use it in the Roman Empire to emphasize the belonging of the married people to each other. Thus, after the wedding, the man belonged to the woman, and the woman, respectively, to the man. It was impossible to get a divorce after that, and treason was punishable by cruel execution, in front of all passers-by. They executed the man who became an accomplice in treason.

The engagement ring has become a very serious symbol of people belonging to each other, to which everyone was respectful. But the clergy evaluated this item in a different way, and refused to wear it because they themselves belong and serve only God. There was never a direct ban on wearing, but most always refrained from doing this, and could wear the ring only at home or on the street, with any walks.

If in the church they saw a priest who wears a wedding ring, then he was treated with some contempt, believing that he did not fully worship God. This was especially cruel in ancient times, then for this the priest could even be expelled from the church.

Reference! The modern church respects the wedding and marriage of people, as this is one of the most important rites for a person. However, most clergymen still refuse to wear the product in the church, although the attitude towards this has now become more loyal and soft.

Why priests don’t wear wedding rings

As mentioned earlier, the main reason for refusing to wear is the fact that church officials belong to God. There is no ban on this, but people still give priority to their spiritual faith.

The next reason is a type of religion. The tradition described above is characteristic of almost all religions, with the exception of clergymen from Romania - wedding rings are never removed there, as this is strictly prohibited. Moreover, a wedding product on a finger there is an example for parishioners who should strive for chastity and fidelity.

In the Orthodox Church, there are 3 types of clergymen:

  1. Monks;
  2. Celibacy;
  3. Holy clergy.

Of all of them, only the latter have the right to marry and wear a wedding ring. The rest, take a dinner of celibacy, and devote their lives to God and spiritual development. Accordingly, marrying them to approach the opposite sex is strictly prohibited. Thus, most often, clergymen without a ring are monks and celibates, since such actions are simply unacceptable for them.

If the dinner of celibacy was not accepted, and you can get married - wearing a wedding ring is only an individual decision of a person. Although the Church was always opposed to this, a direct prohibition never existed, even in antiquity.