Why at night you need to remove the rings about sleep health

Experts say that a person’s sleep should not be disturbed by any foreign objects. That is why the rings, including the engagement ring, must be removed from the finger before bedtime. This will provide an opportunity to fully relax and not worry about the fact that the precious jewelry will be spoiled. However, in addition to the convenience and continuity of sleep, knowledgeable people argue that jewelry on their hands can adversely affect a person’s condition. Is this really so, consider in the article.

Why do you need to remove the rings at night?

Doctors say that rule number 1 for a person wearing jewelry on his fingers - be sure to remove them at night. This is due to the large number of cases when patients turned to the emergency room at night. The hands swelled violently, and even a thin rim pressed mercilessly, blocking the normal blood flow.

Among the main reasons for the need to get rid of rings at night, there are:

  • danger of disrupting blood microcirculation in the small joints of the hand;
  • the risk of damage to the finger or its amputation in the most difficult cases of edema;
  • disturbance in the process of sleep and night rest;
  • damage to certain parts of the body by protruding parts of the jewelry.

Important! The ring should turn freely and have a small gap. Only in this case it will not harm its owner. You should forget about those decorations that are difficult to remove even with soap.

Jewelry that was not removed during sleep, especially models with protruding stones or ornaments, can severely damage the skin if a person makes a careless movement in a dream. They can also damage the bedding or catch on it.

Do I need to remove my wedding ring at night?

Engagement or wedding decoration on the finger is one of the most common accessories of men and women. As a rule, they are worn without taking off almost their whole life. The only exceptions are cases when the ring has become frankly small.

Experts note: even if the ring does not fit snugly on the finger, in a dream it still disrupts the normal flow of blood. Over time, this will lead to problems with joints in the hand, as well as serious diseases associated with impaired blood circulation.

Everyone should make it a rule to remove all jewelry before going to bed. Wedding and wedding rings can easily wait for the morning on the bedside table, and with the arrival of dawn, the owners can put them on again and start a new day.