Why don't Europeans iron the sheets?

Remember the words of mom from childhood? Laundry - immediately iron! But both mothers and ourselves, once again, including the iron, dreamed of a pipe impossible - stop ironing! And now it became known that scientists do not advise doing this at all!

But abandoning an established habit was not so easy. More than once you can hear the questions of women, is it possible not to iron bedding? Let's try to answer the most common questions.

Did Europe really put off the iron?

The assertion of our headline that Europeans have stopped ironing bedding is not an exaggeration, but a real state of affairs.

IMPORTANT! Many European countries have long ceased to iron bedding.

  • The best hotels in France use only ironed linen, taking care of the health of visitors.
  • The Germans do not use irons, saying that it will become crumpled anyway.
  • Britain also abandoned this tradition.

And not only in Europe! Mistresses of Canada, Israel and many other countries, indeed, began to forget about the iron after washing the laundry .

Why are we ironing him?

Why do I need to iron bedding? Can you not do this? Why spend so much precious

time, which without it is constantly not enough? After all, you can sleep peacefully and just washed. These questions are asked by many women. And those less, they continue to stroke for decades.

Ironing was considered a natural and absolutely necessary procedure. Reasons for using the iron :

  • the clothes are disinfected;
  • the fabric is leveled;
  • tactile becomes more pleasant;
  • the material becomes more durable;
  • the capacity of the laundry increases;
  • the more even, the easier it is to cover.

It was also believed that heat treatment helps fight the microorganisms that are hiding around us. They are small in size, but very harmful, especially for people suffering from allergies. They perish under the influence of high temperature. This is the main reason why bedding was processed.

Does modern bedding need ironing?

If the benefits of heat treatment are great, why do scientists say optional, and sometimes

the harm of this procedure?

IMPORTANT! Scientists objectively evaluate the change in real life conditions.

And they found 4 serious reasons to free women from this type of homework .

First reason

It cannot be said that lice, mites, bugs live in every house today. If suddenly they appeared with you, of course, turn on the iron! And in all other cases, leave the fight against microorganisms to modern detergents and often air your bed !

The second reason

The fabrication technology has changed. And when ironing, the fiber structure can be destroyed . And the fabric, which was processed with an iron, becomes more durable. In this state, it prevents air from passing through it. And this negatively affects how people feel.

Third reason

Some modern linen fabrics do not require ironing .

  • Silk. It is a pleasantly adjacent fabric of natural origin. It absorbs water and vapors, which are secreted by the human body, while he sleeps. Natural silk fabric is almost not wrinkled and undemanding to care.
  • Calico Bedding created on the basis of this fabric lasts a very long time, at least ten years. Having a high density and elasticity, calico does not need to be ironed. It is enough to dry the duvet cover and sheet to prevent the occurrence of kinks and jams.
  • Satin Jacquard . This material looks and feels like silk fabric. Therefore, it can completely replace silk underwear. Since the fabric has a very complex weave of threads, the material is very durable, resistant to wear and does not require ironing .

Fourth reason

Household appliances that help housewives have changed. Nowadays, a huge number of washing machines have appeared, which manufacturers began to provide with the “easy ironing” function . This makes it possible to save your own time by refusing to manually iron the laundry.

What about the baby bed?

But what about children's things? This is a constant question for mommies. Heat treatment protects against


There is no contradiction! Baby things still need to be heat treated! But you can do this not only with the iron.

Children are born and do not have a fully working temperature control mode. If we assume that after ironing the fabric really loses its qualities, it would be better to play it safe and minimize all risks.

IMPORTANT! Baby bedding can also not be ironed, and it is recommended to use a steamer for processing.

It allows not to touch the hot surface of the iron with a cloth and at the same time disinfects.

Continue to stroke or join the Europeans?

Do not look for a definite answer to this question. Each woman gives it on her own.

If you can’t feel comfortable until you have ironed out all the sheets and duvet covers, iron it!

But if you feel that you can’t fall asleep for a long time, you can’t completely relax and rest, pay attention to your bed. Is there a ban on iron on the laundry label? In this case, either stop ironing or change the kit.

And, of course, if you do not have time to overdo it, do not feel remorse! Europeans do not iron, Canadians do not iron, and you too can!