Why do our women go home in bathrobes

Speaking of bathrobes, I immediately recall my grandmother. She always went home in a cotton dressing gown, picked up her hair with a handkerchief, prepared pies and constantly cleaned up. Such mothers and grandmothers across the country can not be counted! Where did this tradition come from?

History tour

Trying to find the causes of any phenomenon, I am always looking for sources. Each thing has its own story, sometimes so amazing that it can only be learned with careful study. Robes came to us from eastern culture.

This is an Arabic word that means a robe of honor. It was a full outerwear, firmly included in the everyday life of an entire nation.

Long-sex clothes with a smell were divided according to purpose:

  • for the holidays;
  • on every day;
  • imperial clothing;
  • vestments for officials or peasants;
  • option for man and woman.

A beautiful long-laced version with embroidery and jewelry became an honorary award for merit.

In Asian countries, peasants wore it, protecting the body from the sun and overheating during hard work in the field. For the nobility, chic outfits were emphasized emphasizing their status in society.

It is believed that they came from Turkey to Europe around the 17th century, becoming home clothes. They were worn over trousers and shirts, and not on a naked body. Here you can see the practical side of the issue: the robe is easy to take off if necessary, and long sleeves and a smell will help protect clothes from accidental heels n. This wardrobe item fell into the Russian Empire thanks to Peter the Great. The first emperor loved all foreign wonders, welcoming innovations. Interestingly, the robe gained popularity among the Russian nobility only in the 19th century. On the one hand, it meant comfort and coziness, and on the other hand, it became a symbol of idleness and laziness.

Soviet times

After the October Revolution, life has changed dramatically. The Communists proclaimed a new way of life, giving anathema to the attributes of a noble life, which even got luxurious bathrobes. Previously, they were sewn for nobles, prosperous merchants and fists, so expensive fabrics, delicate embroidery and various decorations were used. Such clothes were not suitable for a workers 'and peasants' country, therefore, it was temporarily abandoned.

But this is a very convenient and practical clothing for home, so bathrobes found a second wind when the idea came that they can be sewn from cheap chintz or flannel! Women liked the solution, and for the following reasons:

  1. It is easy to take off and put on.
  2. It is convenient to do homework in it.
  3. Things at the exit wear out less and are wiped out.
  4. According to the philosophy of that time, there is no one to show off at home, this is not a workplace where you need to be in full dress.

Looking at old photographs, you pay attention to communal apartments, barracks and small houses with courtyards. People lived more crowded, were in sight of each other, and dressing gowns solved the issue of not only convenience, but also decency. It’s easier to go to the common kitchen in a dressing gown covering the body than to dress up in a dress and get up to the stove in it!

In the Soviet woman’s wardrobe there were several bathrobes for different occasions: for cleaning, a holiday or guests. It even reminds one of eastern traditions.

Modern look

Practical, convenient and beautiful - this is how you can briefly describe this thing. Therefore, she entered household life so firmly. In it you can open the door to guests or neighbors, cook food and clean the apartment. It does not interfere with movements, and the choice of colors at all times made it possible to select beautiful options. Our grandmothers also knew a lot about fashion and beauty. Remember what amazing patterns were used on simple chintz, all kinds of flowers or leaflets, polka dots or a cage.

After 1991, Western values ​​firmly entered our lives. We watch American films and TV shows where women wear beautiful costumes at home, comfortable trousers and blouses of all colors. This tradition is not particularly taking root. The older generation still wears bathrobes, and the growing daughters take an example from mothers and grandmothers. Although, watching the celebration of Halloween, a total copy of Western standards, it is likely that the robes will gradually go by the wayside, remaining only for going to the bath and back.