Why did the pin become the object that protects from the evil eye?

With the protection against the evil eye in the form of pins, we are faced with the first days of life. Of course not all, but many mothers or grandmothers cling to her stroller or crib of a newborn. We ourselves hang these amulets under clothes or as a decoration.

But why exactly her? After all, there are many other charms - red thread, pendants, amulets, crosses and others.

Why pin is considered protection against evil eye

The protective power of the pin lies in the aggregate of several indicators. To answer this question you need to go back hundreds and thousands of years ago.

Information about a specific time did not reach us, but once our ancestors used a ring to protect themselves from evil forces. They sewed the amulet on the wrong side of the clothes. And metal is a conductor of energy, so it attracts a negative to itself and immediately seals it in a ring. It was believed that the infinite form allows negative energy to only move in a circle without being able to go outside and harm the owner of the amulet.

Later, the ring was replaced with a pin, catching the similarity in the structure. After all, a closed pin also does not let the negative go beyond its limits. In addition, it is easier to use - just pin it up, while the ring had to be sewn.

What does the pin symbolize

To begin with, to protect against evil eye and negativity, not only pins with an English clasp were used, but also a simpler option - sewing.

The sewing pin does not close in the ring, therefore, to consider that strength only in its form is not entirely true. The material itself plays a large role, because the metal is endowed with the ability to conduct energy. And this energy is not only electric, as many believe. It can accumulate and conduct negative and positive energy. A vivid example of this is the silver darkened in a few days on a sick person. So the first attribute of strength is metal.

The second thing that plays a role is the shape of the metal. The pointed end distorts the negative and directs it in the opposite direction. So hostile energy stumbles upon the sharp defense of the amulet and cannot go further on the person.

And finally, the most powerful amulet from the evil eye is a safety pin. When closed, it forms a flattened ring in which the negative is locked.

How it works

In order to turn an ordinary safety pin into a ward from the evil eye, you need to conduct some rituals and correctly approach the purchase itself.

Here are the basic rules:

  1. Buy on Friday night.
  2. Activate it on the growing moon.
  3. Clean on the waning moon.

Before pinning the amulet to clothes or a baby carriage, it must be activated by ritual and conspiracy. To do this, chop the tip over the church candles. Then drop 3 drops of wax on the head and leave it there until it comes down. After this, utter a conspiracy: "The Guardian Angel, appointed to me by God, protect with your hand from the evil eye, corruption, witchcraft."

You can activate the charm with water. Pour sacred water into a glass, put a talisman there and say: "Your spear will protect me from the devilish interventions and the evil done by people."

Every 3 months, the pin needs to be cleaned of accumulated negativity. If it has darkened earlier, then do not wait 3 months - clean it immediately or just throw it away. If you don’t want to clean often, buy pins made of cheap materials so you don’t mind throwing them away.

Cleansing Ritual:

  • remove the amulet in the full moon and free from additional accessories, if any;
  • in open form, rinse under running water;
  • put it in a container with spring water for 3 days, adding a few silver little things there;
  • pour water into the ground or toilet bowl;
  • fill the pin with salt and leave it overnight;
  • pour salt into the toilet in the morning or bury it in the ground.

IMPORTANT! If the pin is bent, throw it away. This means that you have been seriously hit by negativity.

To strengthen the amulet, you can supplement it with different beads and talismans. The easiest way is to hang a few beads. But here the color of the beads is important, because it is aimed at different tasks:

  • green - protects children and pregnant women;
  • yellow - for friends and loved ones;
  • red - for a loved one;
  • blue - protects the family.

Does size and material matter

Size does not matter, it all depends on your preference. You can buy a small pin and hide it under clothes. And you can talk big, and hang it as a brooch, previously decorating with additional accessories. A bright brooch should be in sight in order to attract the attention of detractors and distract from you.

But the material is only metal. Plastic, wood, clay and others will not protect you. Metal can be any - gold, silver, steel, or others. Gold and silver are believed to be stronger, but keep in mind that there are times when a pin only needs to be thrown away. Therefore, either do not buy expensive products or be prepared to say goodbye to her at any time.

Who needs to wear a pin

To everyone who believes in its power. Faith is an integral part of any power, both negative and positive.

The most vulnerable to the influence of negative energy are infants. Therefore, most often, mothers pin small pins or even name pins to them.

IMPORTANT! Only attach the pin to the crib or stroller of the baby. This will not affect the protective power, but will be safe for the health of the child. After all, a protective amulet can accidentally open and prick it. You can also pin two pieces - one on the bed, the other on the stroller.

How to pin a pin from the evil eye

In this matter, there is only one correct option - head down. All other locations on clothing will not have the proper effect.

The fact is that the head pointing down attracts the negative and sends it to the ground.

Brooch pins should also be hung vertically, head down. It will not be very convenient, but effective.

You need to pin it on the inside of the clothes, next to the heart. This arrangement was considered correct for men. Women had to pin them on the hem of a dress or skirt. Since not all women wear skirts, at least not every day, you can pin protection below the waist. It may be the bottom of the sweatshirt.

IMPORTANT! A pin will not protect a woman if worn on a man’s wardrobe item - pants. And men should not pin her on


A pin is a strong defense against the evil eye. The main thing is to believe in its strength, to properly care for and throw in time. And do not pick up needles from the ground, especially if their tip is directed at you. If you find such an object at your door, do not grab it with your bare hands, put on gloves, or rather, sweep it with a broom. And do not throw the pins in the trash yourself - bury them in the ground so that the accumulated negative does not harm anyone.