Why are beautiful clothes and shoes so uncomfortable, is it otherwise?

Constantly changing fashion dictates trends and new styles every season . Inveterate fashionistas try to regularly follow fashion trends, even despite the convenience. Other girls usually look at them with a slight smile, but also buy sometimes uncomfortable, albeit beautiful clothes and shoes. As a result, in the wardrobe of some, most of the hangers are occupied by clothes waiting for a special occasion, and on weekdays there is nothing to wear. And because of this, many girls are upset and come to the conclusion that all beautiful clothes are uncomfortable.

Did it always exist?

Strange and uncomfortable fashion has existed throughout human history. Once the secular ladies had to pull off the body with a corset or wear uncomfortable wigs with sculptural forms.

To wear such clothes in the Middle Ages could only ladies who did not work and were from wealthy families. Antique fashion was not intended for complex life, changeable weather and work in the field.

Modern designers have little left this concept of trends. Girls in thin raincoats often flash on the catwalks, the rejection of pantyhose in cool weather, chiffon dresses and ankle boots with open heels and toes are propagandized. Such trends can be suitable for hot countries, girls who move to their destination by car. But women living in Siberia have to choose between health and fashion.

Fashion has never been synonymous with convenience and comfort. It is necessary for a beautiful life, determines the status and position of a person in society. Sometimes designer clothes are more suitable for a fashionable and inspiring photo shoot, but not for going to work or meeting friends.

Another reason for the appearance of a strange and uncomfortable fashion lies in the fact that extravagant things more attract the attention of the public. Designers, creating their collections, want to stand out and show the public something new. They rarely think about the appropriateness and convenience of clothing in everyday life. Often, designer clothes are created for special occasions, theme parties or carpet paths.

Then, already from the catwalks, many ideas are borrowed by brands. They try to adapt them, but even then this happens not always successfully.

Fashionable and comfortable clothes for life

All of the above relates more to the concept of high fashion. Popular people and bloggers are trying to incorporate strange things into their wardrobe. But ordinary girls should not despair.

Most clothing stores feature comfortable clothing tailored to the latest trends. Not every store is able to structure its assortment and hang things up so that it is easier to navigate.

Another problem of stores from the mass market is the lack of quality of tailoring and used fabrics. To sew a large batch of clothes, manufacturers often use synthetic fabrics that do not provide sufficient ventilation for the skin, and the thing will eventually hang in the closet.

How to avoid becoming a victim of uncomfortable clothes

The main goal of many girls is to ensure that every thing in the closet serves and is comfortable.

And here are some tips:

  1. To do this, first of all, do not copy images from the catwalks to 100% . Fashion shows should be an inspiration for a combination of colors, textures and prints.
  2. You should not be fooled by a particular thing, even if it is advised by all fashion magazines and stylists. Before buying, you should try on this style a couple of times and evaluate the suitability of a future purchase in the wardrobe. If there is little discomfort during the fitting, the thing is not worth buying. It is possible that over time, the look will change, and such a model will become comfortable. But you should not wait for a happy occasion.
  3. Another good advice from designers - almost any style can be adapted for yourself by contacting the studio. Such a thing will cost more than from a store in a shopping center, but when it is sewed, the features of the figure, lifestyle will be taken into account and a suitable fabric will be selected. And if professionals work in the studio, they will help to adjust the style for the physique so that the thing looks neat and stylish.
  4. Before going to the store, it is better to think over the purchases in advance, the necessary color and style. Any thing you like, but uncharacteristic for the wardrobe, can be asked to be postponed for a couple of hours to make a decision. And if there is no possibility to postpone, then after the purchase it is worth saving the check and tags. This will simplify the return if the item still does not fit.

Not becoming a victim of fashion and uncomfortable clothes is not as difficult as it seems. Girls need to put their own comfort above imposed trends. If there is no confidence in the chosen outfit, then no matter how much it costs or how fashionable the style is, uncertainty will be clearly visible in the girl’s behavior and mood.