What to wear with men's loafers?

The first impression of a man is formed by looking at his appearance, and not only women understand this. Therefore, men try to look perfect, from manicure to shoes.

Shoes play an important role in the overall image of a young man. She should be well-groomed, not worn out and fashionable. It happens that a guy bought a fashionable pair of loafers, and only then wondered what to wear them with? Just about it will be described below.

Let's figure out how easy it is to choose clothes for your version of loafers. True, the image of the husband is often thought out by his companion, so for ladies this material will also be useful.

How are men's loafers different from shoes and moccasins?

How to understand that in front of you is just a pair of loafers, because there are several types of them. On them you will never see laces or fasteners - this is the main distinguishing feature. Next - on the hard soles of loafers there is a wide heel.

Moccasins are often confused with loafers because of the similar top, but moccasins have no heel, and the sole is much softer . Loafers have a long tongue and a jumper on their feet. They are made of leather or suede.

Reference! Despite the fact that moccasins and loafers were first introduced in the USA, their homeland is different.

In the 1930s of the last century, the American Spalding family began to produce these shoes, giving it the name "loafers."

But the Spauldings took as a basis the model of the Norwegian shoemaker Nils Gregorusson Tveranger. In the same year, returning home after training in shoe-making in the USA, Niels introduced a men's pair of shoes with the name “Aurland loafers”. He later changed the name to “Aurland shoes”. Therefore, the birthplace of loafers is Norway.

Types of Loafers

In total there are 6 types of different designs, with and without heels:

  • Venetian
  • penny loafers;
  • with a brush;
  • with fringe;
  • with buckle;
  • slippers.

What to wear with different loafers?

These shoes are perfect for a casual look . Pants, jeans, a blazer, shorts, a cardigan, a jacket, a shirt - with these things such shoes are in good harmony. But there are some nuances in the combination of clothes and this shoe, ignorance of which can put a man in a bad position. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out separately what clothes are suitable for different styles of loafers:

Venetian . This type of men's shoes is minimalistic and is not decorated with unnecessary details. From the decor there is only a pronounced seam on the top of the product. Venetian loafers go well with loose casual clothes - jeans, shorts, trousers, a shirt. But, despite the sophistication, they are not suitable for a business suit.

Penny Loafers. This pair has a patch in the form of a strap with a diamond-shaped neckline, in the area of ​​the rise of the foot. The best use for this shoe is the addition of a business suit. But for everyday wear, they are not suitable due to inconvenience.

Reference! There are two legends for the appearance of the name of this shoe, and both of them are associated with students. It is believed that a diamond-shaped recess in the vamp was made so that a student or teacher on the university campus would put a 2 penny coin there so that there was always the opportunity to make a phone call.

Another option is that students put a coin in their shoes for good luck on the exam. Something like 5 cents under the heel with us.

With a brush. Shoes have a discreet seam and 2 tassels of the same material. This versatile option is combined with a business suit and jeans. But they are not suitable for sportswear.

With fringe. The fringe on such shoes is on the vamp and is often combined with a tassel. This is not the best option for shorts and jeans, but it is suitable for a business style. Jackets, belts, trousers - these are the things that blend perfectly with fringe loafers.

Buckle loafers. This option has a metal buckle in place of the fringe. And they were invented by Italians - Gucci. They are not suitable for casual or sportswear. This is the option when shoes can be worn exclusively for a business suit, even without the presence of laces.

Slippers. Not suitable for business style. This is a summer, comfortable and stylish shoe option, often with a velvet finish. It goes well with pants, pullover, shirt. In the XIX century, slippers acted in the role of noble slippers, so today they are well suited for home wear.

The combination of colors of clothes with loafers

We will analyze the three main colors of this shoe: white, black, brown.

  • White loafers should be worn only with a white or light suit, but without a belt. If the suit is black or gray, white shoes will not work.
  • Black loafers are only suitable for a black business suit. For other colors or types of clothing, it is better to choose other shoes.
  • Brown loafers are versatile. They are suitable for white and black suits. If your style is casual, then wear a light brown pair.

Do I need to wear socks with loafers?

There is no one universal rule. But business types - with a tassel or penny loafers, be sure to wear with socks, as required by business style.

Socks should not be worn under loafers when combined with shorts.

Reference! Michael Jackson did not adhere to this rule, and so his stylish business card appeared - black loafers with white socks.

If you decide to wear socks, then carefully select the colors. Socks should be the same color with shoes - white shoes - white socks, etc.