What signs does the knot on the chain

Among the many jewelry that a woman uses for her transformation, the undisputed leader is a gold chain. It can be very short or reach such a length that coquettishly hide in the neckline. Openwork weaving of various widths and the presence of an elegant pendant only add to this product attractiveness and style. But, in addition to its decorative function, this decor has a sacred meaning. According to popular belief, a chain made of metal closed in a ring (especially gold, since it symbolizes the sun) protects the owner from the negative effects: the evil eye, hex, aggression of the energy vampire. And how frustrating it is when, wanting to put it on, you find an ugly knot.

Causes of nodes on the chain

Before proceeding with the enumeration of ways to resolve this problem, let's look at why this nuisance appears. This can happen for several reasons.

  • Incorrect storage . This jewelry must be kept in limbo.

Attention! In no case do not put the chain in the box to other accessories. This action will completely lead to confusion.

  • Continuous wearing . Besides the fact that the body should rest periodically, there is also a hygienic aspect. From constant contact with the skin, the metal may be covered with sebum.
  • Sacred reasons .

Important! It is especially necessary to be wary if the chain on the neck of a pregnant woman is confused. According to popular belief, this predicts entangling the fetus with the umbilical cord and, as a result, difficult birth.

How does the appearance of knots interpret magic

We should especially dwell on the mystical explanation of this incident. After all, human signs consist of years of observation, so do not neglect centuries-old experience. Moreover, this is relevant in relation to the item used as an amulet or amulet. The chain with a pectoral cross can be attributed to the same category.

What signs does the knot on the chain

  • The negative is addressed to you. A node may indicate a negative effect on you . It can be anything: from a simple evil eye to a thorough magical work. The node itself will help you understand the seriousness and depth. The more difficult it is to untie it, the more serious the directed negativity .
  • An energy vampire has appeared in your environment . Or someone wishes you trouble.

Important! At the same time, this decoration prevents attempts at exposure, and the knot is the result of its work.

  • Problems with personal protection . An especially bad sign is the assembly in conjunction with a darkening of the metal or a gap . These two factors suggest that your personal protection is compromised.

Believe it or not, popular signs are everyone's personal business. But, as they say, whoever is warned is armed.

How to unravel knots on a chain: proven ways

Now let's start the question of how to deal with this trouble yourself. After all, it is not always possible to take jewelry to a jewelry workshop. Yes, and contacting the master will lead to unplanned expenses. In this case, a series of simple steps will help you.

  • Rolling out . This method consists of smooth, gradual movements in a circle with a chain taken at both ends. In this case, do not make sharp and hasty jerks .
  • Lubricate the desired area with vegetable oil . Then, gently untangle the knot with a sharp object. After completion, lower the product for several minutes in a soapy solution. Then rinse with clean water and remove excess moisture with a paper towel.

Attention! Never use metal needles. The best tool would be a wooden toothpick.

  • When rolling, to facilitate the process, you can use baby talcum powder (powder).
  • A sharpened pencil can also be used to loosen the knot. Soft lead will not cause damage to expensive metal.
  • Use a conventional dishwashing detergent to better slip the chain links.

Whatever method and tools you choose, carry out this process on a flat, brightly lit surface . If you keep the product on weight, then under its own weight the chain will only tighten the knot.