What to do with a wedding dress after a divorce

Many girls, women, after a divorce leave wedding dresses as a keepsake, or simply out of pity for the past, each has its own reasons. We offer several options that can be easily dealt with so that the thing does not gather dust.

Where to put a wedding dress

To sell . The sale option should be approached carefully. See: If you are selling a wedding dress to a relative, then if the wedding takes place in this thing, then the marriage will be short-lived and will quickly decay. Therefore, if you really want to buy, do this: Wash the dress in running water and the bad energy will be removed.

ATTENTION: The energy of things is transmitted quite quickly and can attract what happened when it was worn only with the new owner.

If you sell a stranger, just a stranger, then be sure to warn before the sale that the marriage was unsuccessful.

ATTENTION: But to get married in such a dress is possible. Church marriages are primarily made through heaven. They are durable, in essence, even breaking a marriage is considered an unforgivable sin. And at the wedding, all negative energy is removed from the dress.

Give. The process of giving, sincere transfer, will clear the dress of the negative energy of divorce. If you do not feel this - wishes of happiness, good gifts, then it is better to refrain from presenting such a gift. It is better to make such a gift to a stranger, but with positive, sincere wishes for happiness.

IMPORTANT: People are divided into different categories, some are superstitious, while others do not believe in anything.

To leave . A wedding dress can simply be left in any uninhabited place. In which? Think for yourself and, if possible, decide on your own, without dedicating loved ones. It all depends on your self-irony. Some psychologists recommend burning dresses, tearing, cutting, or finding other aggressive or laughterful uses for them as a therapy for stress from divorce. Thus, splashing out his negativity on the "symbol of purity and innocence."

To burn . Perfect option. Why? Yes, because why does someone need your failures and problems in the family. Fire will incinerate completely the failures of your new family life. Burn, it is better on the street and away from your home, preferably where people do not go. Earth will take the bad.

Rent out . To ensure that the thing does not gather dust in the wardrobe, rent it. And free the place, and get the money.

Related signs, beliefs

There will be many beliefs associated with a wedding dress after a divorce. We will describe some of them, it may be useful to someone in life.

  1. You cannot marry in a dress in which someone has broken up.
  2. Young girls, even touching and touching are not recommended, especially before a new marriage.
  3. To virgins: trying on, dressing and even more so, you cannot marry in a wedding dress after a divorce. You will not live together. This sign, tested over the years and, believe me, it is relevant to this day.

The only thing that can be done with the dress, after a failed marriage, is to leave it to the children. In the rare case when your child is very sick by blood or fades like a candle. Medicine in such cases usually makes disappointing predictions.

SORTERS RECOMMEND! Take a wedding dress and cover the child with the head. Then pour a simple glass of water and wash the child, after that, wipe the face of the ill child by the hem of the wedding dress. Age does not matter.

If there is a veil, then you can use it in the same way. Even today, the 21st century, healers and all those who can help outside medicine use this method.