What is the difference between a necklace and a necklace

A woman seeks to look 100% in any situation. Whether it is a walk, study, work or a solemn event - graduation, wedding, social event. Often, ladies begin to plan their image in a month, or even two, before a special event. They pick up dress, shoes, hair and makeup. Do not ignore the important attribute for completing the image - accessories.

If the choice between a handbag and a clutch is clear, then to decide: “necklace or necklace” is already more difficult. And all because many people confuse these jewelry not fully understanding:

  • what is the difference between them;
  • what events each of them is suitable for.

So we’ll try to figure it out so that it’s easier for you to make a choice.

The difference between a necklace and a necklace

The fact that there is a difference between these neck ornaments is clear from the fact that different jewelry stores offer to buy this or that product and call them differently. Often they are very similar even in appearance, but if you know what to pay attention to, you will once and for all learn to distinguish these products from each other.

REFERENCE! In English, these jewelry are called in one word "necklace" (neck - neck; lace - lace). It translates as “necklace”, but denotes different neck ornaments.

Of course, in the English language there are other words for the definition of beads and beads, pendant and pendant, but only “necklace” is applied to the necklace and necklace.

Description of two types

To understand the differences between jewelry, you should know what equipment and materials are used to make them.

Necklace. A distinctive feature - decorative elements are placed on the base in special mountings made of metal, or plastic. They are also on a fabric basis, then decorative elements are sewn or glued to the fabric. Stones and beads are the same or similar size and are placed along the entire length of the product.

INTERESTING! The necklace is compared to a ring, and symbolizes perfection and infinity. Therefore, it is easy to remember - if the stones are placed along the entire length of the product, and form a ring - this is a necklace.

The name comes from the Old Slavonic word "gerlo", which means throat. Previously, necklaces were called collars, the chest and neck of cattle, a collar from chain mail and jewelry made of precious stones that were worn around the neck.

But do not confuse it with a bead. The fact is that both decorations have the same size of stones or beads placed along the entire length of the product. A distinctive feature is the way to fix the decor. A necklace is a thread, chain or string, on which beads of various materials are strung. And for a necklace, stones or beads are fixed in metal frames.

IMPORTANT! Beads string, a necklace is fixed or glued.

Necklace. From Latin “neck”, and translated from French, sounds like “collar, collar, ring”. On the necklace, the decorative details are not the same size - the central part stands out either by the volume of the stones or by the length of the pendants.

REFERENCE! A kind of necklace is a clasp. The fastener in it is placed in front and serves as the central part of the product.

The prominent part in the front narrows to the back, and usually ends in a simple chain. Necklace is an exquisite jewelry made of precious or semiprecious stones fixed on expensive metals.

IMPORTANT! Necklace - jewelry made of precious materials, with a pronounced central part.

Principal difference

So, the fundamental differences between a necklace and a necklace are:

  1. Cost of materials. The necklace can be made of plastic beads, wood, beads and expensive minerals. The basis may be precious metal, fabric or leather. Any needlewoman of the house can make it from improvised materials. The necklace is an expensive jewelry in all senses, complex in design, made by jewelers.
  2. Structure. The necklace is evenly distributed over the entire length; the necklace has a pronounced central part.

Appointment of both jewelry

Necklace - complements only evening dresses.

You can even wear a necklace for a walk or study. It is often made in the form of collars, sheathed with beads or stones. They can be complemented with a dress with boats, and a shirt with jeans. Therefore, the necklace can be called everyday jewelry, but it can also complement evening dresses if you choose noble materials.