Wedding costume of the peoples of the Perm region

For many centuries, different peoples lived side by side in the Perm Territory, but the majority of the population was Russian, who moved from the northern regions, from the Urals, Volga, and Vyatka. The folk traditions of the peasants of Prikamye were closely intertwined with the traditions of the indigenous population - Permian Komi.

Ethnographers singled out the symbiosis of cultures into an original complex. The interest is traditional Russian and Komi-Permyak folk costume and its festive, wedding version . On the features of the old costume and its development trends in modern times, read on.

What are the elements of a women's wedding suit?

Down the aisle, the girl walked in a traditional holiday dress, consisting of a beautiful sarafan and an embroidered shirt, and by the end of the 19th century in factory towns - in a “pair” - a skirt and jacket. The sundress had a slanting cut and was sewn from blue or black canvas. The people called these clothes oak . In the second half of the 19th century, dubas replaced the round sundress, which consisted of several direct panels collected in the upper part. Prosperous peasant women wore such sundresses from woolen fabrics, often from dense silk. In many counties of the Perm Territory, a patterned skirt was put on under a sundress. They wore it so that the ornamented hem was visible to everyone.

The shirt was sewn from white canvas: a thin cloth, often purchased, was put on the sleeves, the rest was cut from a coarser homespun material . The collar, sleeves, tee-tops, and coquette were ornamented with branded weaving and embroidery. So decorated not only white shirts, but also colored, mottled.

A must-have element of festive women's clothing was an apron made of fine factory fabric. For him, a rectangular cloth panel in the waist area was going to a tie strap. Sundresses often belted, on a woven belt there were geometric patterns, ornaments, texts . Festive shoes - always only purchased leather shoes or boots.

By the end of the 19th century, the bride’s costume was decorated with a wreath of wax flowers, which was supplemented by a large nonsense among the villagers, and among the artisans and factory workers they wore a lace veil with a wreath. In some districts, they wore thin braids and fishes, as well as bandages from the gown, connected by long ribbons. Girlish hats - bandages, ribbons were richly embroidered with beads, pearls, embroidery, stained glass, and cantle .

Features groom's suit

Men's suit in this part of Russia has always been devoid of much variety. In families, it was customary to save on men's wardrobe, even festive. The young man dressed for the crown in a shirt, ports and outerwear for the season . The shirt, which had a tunic-shaped cut, was canvas - white, plain or variegated, and the ports were made of striped motley for pants. The shirt was worn out of the way, it was belted with a monophonic bright belt.

Men's outerwear, as well as women's outerwear, was sewn for the summer from canvas with a cutting waist and pleats or burs at the back. Demi-season clothes made of cloth had a straight-back or cut-off cut with a flared hem. And in winter, the groom put on a covered or naked coat. The outfit was complemented by leather boots and a fur hat or cap.

Interesting facts about vintage wedding suits

Some local traditions demanded that the bride, who was at the bachelorette party, special hairstyles and headgear. The girl braided one braid, but there were many multi-colored ribbons in her hair, no less than six or seven . The wreath for this ceremony was decorated with wood chips, beads, chicken feathers, different leaves, flowers.

Another tradition that exists in some villages of the Perm Territory was the presence in the wedding dress of the bride of two sundresses - a white lower and a colored upper. After the wedding, the white sundress was cleaned in a chest and stored for a funeral rite. The upper sundress was worn on holidays.

Modern wedding dresses of peoples of the Perm region

Nowadays, weddings in the Kama Region for weddings are acquired chic outfits with a beautiful white dress and a luxurious veil for the bride and a strict, elegant suit for the groom. But young people are increasingly turning to traditional Russian ceremonies, where all participants in the wedding party dress up in traditional holiday costumes . Women put on a shirt and a sundress or a skirt with an apron. Men put on bright shirts that look great with any pants, even with jeans. All outfits are embroidered with embroidery, appliques, ribbons. The celebration is held outdoors with ritual songs and folk dances.