Taboo for combination with denim shorts

Denim shorts are one of the most favorite wardrobe items of a modern girl. However, in order to become an example to follow and comply with the latest fashion trends, you need to constantly monitor fashion trends and know what to wear with this, almost irreplaceable in a modern women's wardrobe, thing.

Fashion 2019: how is it forbidden to wear denim shorts this summer?

Thanks to its versatility, denim shorts are combined with a huge number of models of clothes and shoes. True, designers annually make adjustments, completing stylish images in different ways. Short beach shorts are especially popular this season . T-shirts, T-shirts, stylish lightweight blouses and shirts will suit them as a top. On the legs you can wear loafers, ballet shoes, sandals of any style. If you are the size of an Thumbelina or your body is longer than your legs - adjust these annoying mistakes of nature with open shoes with a small heel or wedge .

“Free” style is actively discussed and promoted in the media and social networks, the main rule of which is: personal comfort is above all, and the advice of stylists and the opinions of others do not count. Meanwhile, nobody canceled the elementary standards of decency . In order to look perfect and not attract the sidelong glances and smiles of passers-by, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • do not wear worn shorts with raw, bent up edges, otherwise your look will be extremely untidy;
  • correlate the chosen model with your parameters: too short or tight styles look ridiculous, if your figure does not even remotely resemble a slender one, and age is too elegant. Years are not a hindrance if your body is pulled up and your skin is smooth and supple. In combination with the “orange”, flabby, saggy skin, the appearance will be terrible;
  • underwear should be completely hidden from prying eyes. Thongs, of course, are an option, but due to the low landing of a number of models, they often look treacherously when their mistress leans forward or just sits down. By the way, now the lowered waist is far from the trend (finally!) But the high belt is what you need;
  • the length of the top below the length of the shorts is not welcome; they should at least slightly protrude from under the T-shirt. Otherwise, what's the point of putting them on? Although one can argue with this: with a light flowing tunic there will be very much nothing;
  • don't pull yourself too tight when buying shorts one size smaller. Slender girls do not need this, and owners of curvaceous forms will add not attractiveness, but “fold-disks” on the stomach and “bubbles” on the hips.

Important! No matter how you want to look slimmer, remember: tight clothing is clearly harmful to health.

What is absolutely forbidden to wear denim shorts?

First of all, with what introduces an obvious stylistic dissonance into the image. Shorts are good for sports and beach bows, as well as casual clothes and shoes. And avoid significant differences in the density of materials. Each thing has its own season . It is clear that you will not wear shorts with a sable short fur coat. Preference should be given to materials with a light texture.

Consider a few specific recommendations, with which denim shorts should not be worn.

High heels

This is primarily true for shortened models. The hairpin especially draws attention to the legs, and twice as much to the bare legs. You will look vulgar .

Sleeveless bodice

The less denim went to the shorts, the less frank the top should be . Unless in such a shortened set you hang out with friends on the beach. If you want to put on a top, a T-shirt with a bare tummy, a bando - throw on top an airy semi-translucent jacket or shirt tied at the waist.

Tucked top

This does not go to many, but only to those who have a thin waist. This significantly adds to the rest of the volume in the place where you want to get rid of it in the first place . It's about the tummy. Therefore, if you do not want to hear from your beloved friend the question “Have you recovered?” Or “Are you, by chance, not pregnant?”, Choose drop-down or slightly fitted models.

With closed shoes

These shoes are an attribute, rather, of autumn-spring ensembles, as well as business and elegant bows, which obviously do not fit with denim shorts. In order not to “fall out of style”, choose an open toe or any sports shoes.

Abundant decoration

This summer, shorts with rivets, spikes, lace are practically not found in fashion design collections. Your motto this summer: "everything ingenious is simple." But it is permissible to add bright details to the image. The main thing - do not overdo it .

Shorts are the perfect summer outfit. You can choose a pair of denim models of different densities: one is easier for heat, the other for cool weather. And in order not to be mistaken with the equipment and choose a worthy “company” for your shorts, look through fashion magazines. Then your appearance and reputation will be safe.