Signs why you can not wear one clothes the second day in a row

Clothing reflects the inner world of its owner. With the help of correctly selected outfits, you can make the right impression on others. The question of how many days in a row you can wear the same clothes worries many people. Of course, for those who do not pay due attention to the appearance of this is not a problem. Further in the article, we will consider the signs associated with clothing and try to figure out whether it is important to change it often.

Why you can’t walk in the same clothes for 2 days in a row - signs

There are a large number of signs associated with clothing, its color and the appropriateness of wearing in a particular situation. From ancient times, many tribes called clothing "second skin" and treated it with trepidation. After all, often she saved her owner from imminent death. For example, it helped to disguise itself as an environment during the hunt. With the help of the right outfit, you can quickly increase your success in society or, conversely, be unrecognized and not get proper respect for yourself. Even in ancient times, people believed that clothing had a strong connection with its owner. In the modern world, there are also signs regarding appearance.

Clothing has the ability to accumulate the energy of the world around. But this energy is not always favorable, so things need to literally rest. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear clothes even two days in a row and transfer emotions to the next day. After all, energy can be both positive and negative, and it should be cleansed. In some cases, psychologists even recommend getting rid of things that cause unpleasant memories.

Clothing should be treated with care, because it has a "memory". Some wardrobe items, on the contrary, I want to keep longer and wear as often as possible. There are peculiar talismans of good luck - things in which “everything will turn out exactly”. Of course, you can be skeptical of all sorts of signs, but do not forget that many of them have been formed for centuries and reflect the world around us. In addition, the experience of their ancestors is definitely not worth ignoring, if only because it has been accumulated for thousands of years, and is not formed by personal example.

Important! The daily dressing tradition came to Russia from America.

Who strictly adheres to this rule?

Some people categorically do not wear the same thing for several days in a row. Of course, it depends on personal tastes and preferences. The following categories can be distinguished:

  • Office staff. The so-called "white-collar workers" prefer to have a whole wardrobe of shirts and white blouses. After all, white, cream and light blue shades quickly get dirty and look careless and messy. Therefore, it is important to prepare all the necessary outfits for a week in advance.
  • People working specialties. Many professions in and of themselves require that a person change clothes as often as possible. Of course, there should always be a special uniform, and you need to change it daily.
  • Fitness trainers. People in this profession try not to wear the same suit more than two times in a row. Regular physical activity and training - all this affects the freshness of the tissue.
  • Shopaholics. There is a category of people who just love everything new. In the pursuit of new products, shops and sales are regularly visited. Therefore, they can be seen in a new image every day. In addition, having a large wardrobe, they skillfully combine even old things with new ones, creating interesting trend bows.

It is worth taking into account the hygienic aspect. Of course, there are quality perfumes and deodorants. However, a shirt, t-shirt or pullover on time to replace will not be amiss. Things should always be fresh so as not to embarrass others with an unpleasant odor.

Attention! There is a joke among the people about the daily wearing of the same clothes: “I came in the same clothes, so I didn’t sleep at home.”

Wearing clothes for two days in a row or not is a matter of principle and personal motives. You can have a large wardrobe and wear several things from it, or combine a small number of things with each other and wear new things every day. It all depends on the person himself and the environment in which he spends most of his time.