Shopaholism - a plague of the 21st century?

A new epidemic has captured millions of people. Happiness began to be to buy another thing in order to score an already full cabinet, or even not one! Selfishness and consumer behavior reached its climax. What are the symptoms of the plague of the 21st century and is it possible to fight it?

What are the reasons

Shopaholics found common signs. I recommend that you carefully study the list compiled by the psychologist.

  1. Self-doubt, constant search for attention to your person.
  2. Lack of communication with like-minded people.
  3. The desire to stand out from the crowd at all costs.
  4. Feeling of loneliness leads to large shopping centers, dulling in the crowd.
  5. The need for emotions, fresh impressions.

Large brands that create the illusion of exclusivity are designed for these pain points. Polite consultants can replace regular social communication. Particularly well, their tricks work on overly intelligent people: it seems kind of inconvenient to refuse a person who has spent so much time on you. But this is their job! You should not deceive yourself, sellers receive bonuses and bonuses for our purchases, it is vital for them to get into the buyer's wallet and get the maximum amount.

Now psychologists are teaching from an early age to be able to firmly say no. This is a useful ability to avoid problems with alcohol, drugs, smoking and obsessive sellers.

Aggressive advertising awaits us at every corner from: buy, buy, buy! It acts on different channels of perception, prompting to acquire unnecessary things. Tricky tricks blunt analytical skills.

People with a mild disposition, without a critical view of things, are most prone to shopaholism. In second place is a dysfunctional childhood, children's complexes. For example, if a child grew up in cramped conditions, then later he compensates for lost sweets and toys. There is a reverse situation when a spoiled child cannot stop, continuing to surround himself with a mountain of things in adulthood.

How to recognize addiction

There are a number of signs of a shopaholic, so I suggest passing a small test . The answer “yes” or “no” is enough, and then I will tell you how to decrypt the results.

  1. Constantly look through fashion magazines, catalogs of various stores.
  2. Shopping trips are not accompanied by clear goals.
  3. There is an acute desire to buy a new product for no reason.
  4. Talk about purchases for a long time, savor the details.
  5. Consider all products, even those that are not needed.
  6. Without shopping, you fall into a state of apathy.

Which answers are more? If the answer is “yes”, then stop shopping and think about internal reasons.

It is necessary to understand what exactly is pushing for purchases: a lack of love and attention, loneliness, depression or emptiness in life?

Negative consequences

  1. The need to buy does not stop even a crowded room.
  2. This addiction is akin to alcohol or smoking, which takes the lion's share of the budget. If you calculate the cost of unnecessary things, then the amount would be quite enough for a trip to the sea!
  3. Wasting the family budget will sooner or later lead to conflict.

Bright types of shopaholics

  1. Spontaneous type - often acquires things for no reason, cannot indifferently pass the sale, but he is sure that he does not suffer from shopaholism.
  2. Conscious type - buy the right thing, but in large quantities. For example, several stock creams. He constantly accumulates bonuses and always buys at discounts.
  3. A true shopaholic - all the money goes to purchase things.

How to fight, and is there a cure

A true psychologist will never recommend shopping to relieve stress! The condition of the obsessive desire for shopping needs to be fixed. First, let's start with general recommendations:

  1. Make a separate notebook or bookkeeping file. We set spending limits and carefully record expenses.
  2. Cash is harder to spend; stop using the card.
  3. Start going to the store with the list, it disciplines and prevents spontaneous purchases.
  4. Save money in a piggy bank.

Promotions and discounts were invented to increase the check, you need to forget about them. Remember, a healthy habit forms for 21 days. Then it will become easier, and we will begin to manage our money wisely, not succumbing to the charm of trading floors.