Pocket with leaf

A modern person cannot imagine his clothes without pockets. But in the past, instead of this element, additional accessories were used. Throughout the history of its existence, this item of clothing has taken on many guises. But the most familiar and versatile is the welt pocket. And in order to decorate this element, tailors invented a special detail - a leaflet. It is a rectangular part folded in half, the length of which is equal to the length of the pocket inlet. In addition to the decorative purpose, it helps strengthen the sides of the hole. Let us consider in more detail the types of leaflets, its installation and additional touches.

Types of leaflets

This design serves to process the edges of the pocket of clothing, its reinforcement and decoration. Leaflet (plank) can be rectangular or curly . According to the stitching method, two options for the leaflet can be distinguished.

With set-in ends

This type is easier to install and therefore better suited for beginners. With this method, all seams remain on the wrong side. A narrow strip runs parallel to the bottom layer.

With tapered ends

It is most often used for outerwear. Visually from the first, this variation is distinguished by external finishing lines on several sides. As well as the method of their manufacture. Such a strap often has a sufficient width to install the locking mechanism: buttonholes, buttons and so on.

Attention! Any of these variations can be equipped with lightning.

How to make a pocket with a leaf

When sewing a pocket with a leaflet, several steps should be performed.

Making leaflets

The first step is to make the part itself.

  • For this, a rectangular blank is cut from the fabric. Usually its dimensions are 20X10 cm.
  • We bend the part in half with the wrong side up.

Attention! To strengthen the structure and give it rigidity, the element can be duplicated with a lining material: non-woven or doubler.

  • Iron and sew on a typewriter on three sides.

  • We turn on the face and a good iron.


Next, prepare the inside of the pocket. To do this, we make two workpieces from additional material. For a pattern, we put a hand on a sheet of paper and trace the border of the palm.

Important! In the manufacture of this part, do not forget to add stock for allowances and a loose fit.


Then mark the location of the pocket.

  • On the front side with tailor's chalk we mark where this part will be located.
  • We measure the length of the finished bar.
  • Draw a line to fit the plank.

Then bouts to the installation process of the structure. Let us consider in detail how this happens.

Processing a pocket with a leaf

For each type of processing will be slightly different from each other, so we will consider them individually step by step.

Variation with stitching edges

For its installation, we carry out preparatory work, as described above. Next, follow the procedure below.

  • The blank of the strap is laid open edge to the line of cutting the pocket.
  • One detail of the inside of the pocket is placed on top.
  • They sew the structure, while starting and ending the seam at the level of the narrow sides of the leaf.
  • Just above the cut line, a second interior is attached.
  • Cut the pocket.
  • Tuck the inside inside out.
  • Connect the inside of the pocket.
  • Stitching the placket and pocket.

Variation with set-in edges

The preliminary stage is carried out in the same way. Then follow these steps.

  • Stitch the leaflet to the inside of the pocket.
  • Flatten the seam and iron.
  • Sew on the part with the leaflet and the second inner part on both sides of the section marking.
  • Cut the tissue.
  • Unscrew pocket details on seamy side.
  • Spread all the elements and sew both parts, while securing the ends of the leaflet with a double line.
  • Iron the structure.

Reference! To strengthen, it is better to duplicate the incision site with the lining fabric.

How to make a snag pocket with leaflet

Sometimes, when designing a model of clothing, designers resort to a very interesting version of the decor. This is a blende pocket that does not have an inside and is used only as a decoration.

Important! Before proceeding with the production of blenders, perform all tucks, seams, and other work at its location.

Execution process

  • Mark the future location. To do this, draw a horizontal line and draw a frame of the desired size along it.
  • Then you need to strengthen the material. On the wrong side, we iron the doublerin or non-woven strip that will protrude 1-1.5 cm beyond the contours of the frame.
  • Run element leaflets.
  • Carry out a clearance detail. To make it, take a piece of fabric, the length of which is equal to the length of the plank, and the width is four widths of the frame.
  • Reinforce the detail of the strip and the clearance with duplicate material using an iron.
  • Treat the edges of the gap.
  • Draw a line in the center of the frame and lay a leaf on it face down.
  • Bend the bar to the main part.
  • Make a connecting seam.
  • We set the gap so that two-thirds of the material is above the sewing line.
  • Run a cut.
  • Turn inside out the backlash.
  • Sweep the seam line.
  • Bast up the bar.
  • Unscrew the bar along the basting line on the wrong side.
  • To iron a place of a bend.
  • Pre-outline the contour.
  • Complete finishing stitch.

Reference! In the product, a pocket-blende can be performed both single and paired version.

How to make a pocket with a zipped leaf

In many products, the leaflet is adjacent to the zipper. Many people know how to perform these elements individually. But their combination can lead to a dead end. In order not to cause such trouble, we suggest that you understand this method in detail.

For work you will need : a leaflet, additional fabric for the inside and a zipper of the desired length.

Execution process

  • Draw a work frame on the front of the product.
  • Run the bar element as described above.
  • Duplicate the pocket section with additional material.
  • Place the bar part in the right place.

Attention! If necessary, stitch backlash.

  • Carefully grind the bar to the product.
  • Stitch the corresponding edge of the zipper to the second side.
  • Make a connecting seam.
  • Cut the frame.
  • Turn the elements inside out and lock in position with safety pins.
  • Stitch zipper and leaflet.
  • Perform decorative stitching of the pocket.
  • Stitch inside pocket parts to left allowances.
  • The design is ready to use.

For inexperienced needlewomen, often a collision with such trifles can become fatal. After a failed failure, few will dare to try again. But using someone else's experience, you can avoid such troubles. And repeating the same operation several times, you hone your skills, each time becoming closer to perfection. Therefore, if you fail, do not give up. Even venerable professionals are sometimes mistaken. Just take it for granted, and luck will smile at you. Enjoy your creative work!