How is wool made from milk?

The yarn obtained from milk has become a worthy alternative to natural material from animal wool. Next, we consider its features and manufacturing technology.

Milk yarn

Many people have already appreciated yarn made from milk. It has a natural moisturizer and has a beneficial effect on human skin, relieves allergic reactions and even smoothes fine wrinkles.

Products made of “milk” wool have become a godsend for people with sensitive skin . The material is lightweight, voluminous, quickly absorbs liquid and does not fade.

Reference! Due to the good ability of the yarn to stain even at low temperatures, a wide variety of colors can be found on sale.

Benefits of Protein Fibers

Protein fibers are obtained during the polymerization of proteins of casein, which is found in milk and zein, contained in corn grains. The following advantages of fibers are distinguished:

  • softness;
  • bactericidal and antifungal properties;
  • environmental friendliness and beneficial effects on health;
  • good heat-insulating qualities;
  • hygroscopicity and extensibility are close to natural material;
  • the scale of production is limited by the availability of raw materials, as the product is also valuable food.

Protein fibers from milk.

Attention! Among the disadvantages of protein fibers, low strength indicators are distinguished, especially when wet.

Production technology

The process of wool production begins with the separation of cream from milk. The result is a reverse - skim milk containing 3-3.5% casein. Then water is separated and dried and chopped cottage cheese is obtained. It is mixed with a solution of caustic soda, achieving a thick mushy mass. Then, liquid casein is fed to spinning machines, where it freezes in threads under the influence of special reagents. All the obtained threads are fastened into a bundle, washed from chemicals and transferred to tanning.

Yarn made of milk.

A method of increasing strength was first proposed by Soviet technologists. In the process of finishing the thread must be treated with formalin. The solution, penetrating the structure, combines protein molecules into a single "large molecule". After this procedure, the surface of the fibers is smooth, while natural wool is covered with tiny scales. Therefore, before sending to the spinning mill, the fibers are given the proper appearance.

Important! When burning casein fibers, charred ends in the form of balls remain, and the smell during burning is exactly the same as that of natural wool.

"Useful" supplements

Pure casein wool is not used. Usually it is mixed with sheep, goat or other natural wool. Depending on the additive, the material changes its properties . Smooth and shiny threads are obtained by combining with cotton and silk . Such products give a feeling of coolness even in hot weather. A mixture with cashmere gives volume and good thermal insulation performance.

In appearance, wool from milk is very similar to ordinary. She also warms well and is pleasant to the body. In addition, such wool is much cheaper. After all, a thousand liters of milk gives as much material as ten sheep per year.