How to whiten organza

Recently, along with a veil, for the manufacture of curtains, organza is increasingly used. It must be washed regularly and stored properly. But even with proper care, it tends to acquire a gray or yellowish tint, so organza curtains must be bleached periodically.

Features of the bleaching procedure at home

Organza is a fairly strong and tough material, it does not have to be carried to dry cleaners to bleach it. You can do this at home. Among the main features, you can clearly follow the instructions, especially when it comes to chemicals purchased at the store. It is also necessary to take care of the material, despite the fact that it is durable.

How to effectively whiten organza products at home: popular techniques

For home washing, you can use special tools purchased at a household chemical store, as well as improvised means. The most popular are Vanish bleach, as well as hydrogen peroxide. More recipes we will consider later.

How to gently whiten tulle from organza

To bleach the curtains carefully, you need to follow some rules:

  • wash them only with your hands or in the curtain mode;
  • do not wring in a washing machine;
  • gently twist so that creases do not form;
  • dry without direct sunlight.

Also consider some of the whitening rules in many ways.

Using store tools

Basic Rules:

  • do not use aggressive solutions;
  • follow the instructions on the package exactly.

Advice! Before purchasing a store bleach, be sure to look at its expiration date.

Folk recipes

These methods are considered the safest for home whitening. However, products such as soda, ammonia or citric acid can harm the material if used improperly. Therefore, we recommend that you strictly follow the instructions for using home remedies described below.

How to quickly whiten a white organza

The fastest and most effective way is the use of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which must be taken in a ratio of 2: 1, and poured into a bowl of water. Soak the tulle in this solution for half an hour, then rinse under running water and dry.

You can also use store products, which are also quite effective and quickly deal with whitening.

What improvised products can be used to whiten organza products

For cleaning organza, not only powder or bleach proposed by a sales assistant is a good tool. The available tools that are found in every home have proven themselves quite well. Consider the most popular and effective.

Laundry soap

This is a rather time-consuming, but effective way. You need to grind a bar of soap and dilute with water, bring the solution to a boil, remove from the stove, and cool. Next, add a little clean water and soak the tulle for 12 hours. Head of the stage: rinse and dry the product.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

We have already considered this option as the fastest and most effective in whitening white organza.

It should be repeated that ammonia needs 1 part, and hydrogen peroxide - 2. Exactly follow the recipe, and your tulle will shine like new.


Take a pinch of washing powder and a spoonful of soda, pour 5 liters of water. In the resulting solution, soak the curtain for 20 minutes. Then wash with your hands at a temperature not exceeding 40, or in the washing machine in the "curtain" mode.

Kefir or yogurt

If after normal washing your tulle is still gray, use this method. Soak the product in fat-free kefir or natural curdled milk for 24 hours. Then rinse it under running water. Now rinse again in the washing machine with rinse aid, which will help remove the sour smell.

Important! When rinsing in the machine, set to “no spin” mode.


Take a glass of starch, pour it into a bowl of warm water. Soak the curtains in the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

Take 4 tablets in 5 liters of water. Dissolve the tablets in warm water and soak the tulle in the solution. Leave it for 3 hours, then wash, rinse with rinse aid and dry.

Lemon acid

This method is used for light pollution. To add a slightly yellowed tulle to add whiteness, rinse it in warm water, adding a bag of citric acid to it. Then rinse again without acid.

How to bleach organza items in a washing machine

To whiten organza in the machine, purchase a bleaching agent, and pour it into a special compartment in the machine, and put in a gentle wash with pre-soaking.

Note! If the machine does not have a special compartment for bleach, take a container for it (supplied), place it in the rinse aid compartment, and start the soaking mode.

What can not be used when bleaching and washing products from organza

When whitening organza, aggressive agents cannot be used. When buying bleach, be sure to read the instructions on the packaging, and learn what fabrics it can be applied to. All the available tools presented are perfect for organza curtains. So, if you do not find the right product in the store, go to the pharmacy and get ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.