How to wear sweatpants

Lampas - side vertical patch on the pants. It is a wide or narrow strip and is located on the side of the legs. Previously, trousers decorated with side stripes created a sporty style. And only men wore such products: military, civil servants, police officers. A few years ago, they entered the women's fashion. It has become permissible to wear such clothes not only with T-shirts and sports sweaters, but also with blouses, jackets.

These products attract convenience and comfort. You can wear them both for training and for work. Use as home or leisure wear. Lampas are able to visually correct the figure of a lady: lengthen the legs. Products with stripes come in different styles and are sewn from various fabrics. A variety of assortment makes it possible to combine them with many items of clothing and types of shoes. Represent the popular and unusual ensembles. And also reveal the secrets: what to wear them at different times of the year.

The combination of sports trousers with stripes and neutral shades

Most people associate stripes with training clothes. But such an opinion is erroneous. Of course, there are models designed for physical exercises, but designer fantasies have turned trousers with stripes into stylish wardrobe items. The most popular combinations of such pants with neutral shades: beige, white, gray, pastel, dairy. They are most often worn with T-shirts or tunics of discreet colors.

Such combinations are preferred for everyday life - at home or on walks. A monophonic top that matches the color of the stripes looks great. After all, classic tones are always relevant. They are even connected with black items. Ageless option - white pants with black stripes and vice versa. Beige products look stylish with such pants. Of these, you can combine a business image. The white patch on the black trousers does not attract much attention, but enlivens the standard look of the lady.

A combination of vibrant colors and sweatpants

In addition to neutral colors, designers have introduced fashion and contrasting styles. For example, blue or red pants with snow-white or black stripes look stylish and bright. Liven up any image. But they should be combined with a more restrained top: with white, black, pastel colors.

It is allowed to wear a shirt with an unobtrusive print - with a thin vertical stripe or cage. A dark blue jacket fits red stripes. If the trousers are also dark blue. Under the jacket, a white or black blouse harmonizes perfectly. To many shades comes the bright blue color of the trousers. They may have white or black stripes.

Green colors are also in fashion. Olive, light green, emerald pants with black and white stripes. Bright colors - variations for young people. And their combinations can be the most unusual:

  • yellow-orange gamma;
  • mustard black;
  • yellow-black;
  • red-black;
  • yellow red.

If the base of the legs is white, stripes of any color are beautiful on them: from gray to bright orange. Such products are combined with any clothes: strict, casual, sports.

Important! In recent years, golden and silver colors in clothes have been announced as trends. For example, golden sparkling trousers look elegant with dark stripes. Worn on holiday outlets. And for everyday wear, young people use jeans with stripes of golden threads.

How to wear sports pants with stripes

Modern fashion is very diverse. It makes it possible to choose from a variety of combinations and create unusual images. Why wear women's pants with stripes? Here are some suggestions :

  • Loose trousers of a classic cut are used with sweaters, extended jumpers. It is allowed to put on a long coat or jacket. But the jacket should be up to the waist. For example, a jacket;
  • Narrow leggings with stripes are worn in combination with T-shirts, tunics, blouses;
  • Narrowed copies are complemented by wide shirts, spacious blouses. A tunic made of light fabric or a warm version is suitable;
  • With hoodies and bombers. It turns out the image of a sports lady.

When choosing a pair for trousers with stripes, it is important to observe some boundaries and rules. Otherwise, you can spoil the view. Among them are :

  • It is important to think over the desired image in advance;
  • It is not recommended to overdo it with accessories;
  • It is better to choose a solid top. Only minor prints are allowed;
  • Shoes should be worn in the color of stripes only if the legs are shortened or of a classic length.

The choice of combination depending on the season

Trouser models with stripes are provided for all seasons and any weather. In the summer they wear thin, stretch pieces with T-shirts, blouses, t-shirts. With the onset of coolness, they put a jacket, coat or down jacket on top. Winter pants with stripes are also provided.

In cold weather, wear sweaters with a neck, sweatshirts, turtlenecks. The most daring combine stripes with furs. It can be a vest or a fur coat. But, putting on a fur product, it must be borne in mind that it should not be voluminous and long. Especially if the lamp is bright.

Rules for the selection of shoes for sports trousers with stripes

The selection of shoes is important when creating a specific image. Depending on the style of the pants, you can wear them with the following types of shoes :

  • With heels. It is important to consider the length of the legs. Shortened with heels are inappropriate;
  • With sneakers. They can be worn with any pants models;
  • With boots. Allowed shoes both on a flat sole and on a heel.

When choosing shoes, it is important to understand that it serves as the completion of the image. And, it’s better to experiment with one or another pair before going out.