How to wear a dog wool belt

A dog-wool belt has proven its worth more than once. Its advantage is that dog hair can be easily and inexpensively obtained, and its effect is not inferior to expensive types of wool.

Wearing rules

Dog hair is famous for its useful properties: it warms well, is hypoallergenic, helps to increase tone, immunity and improve blood circulation, has anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

But when purchasing this product, few people consult with a doctor or seller how to use it correctly. As a result, the effectiveness of treatment with a belt decreases.

Indications for use

Wearing a dog hair belt is appropriate in the following cases:

  • Back pain: radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  • Various kidney diseases, urolithiasis and renal failure;
  • Impotence;
  • Inflammation of the female organs;
  • Chronic pathologies of the back or lower back, pinched nerves;
  • Frequent colds and other viral diseases;
  • Improper posture;
  • Rheumatism

Useful qualities of the product:

  • Long-term heat storage
  • Anesthesia;
  • Health improvement;
  • Improving blood circulation at the site of inflammation;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • Healing;
  • Elimination of edema;
  • As a prophylaxis of various vascular diseases.

Terms of use

The product is recommended to be used after medical procedures: massage, compresses, electrophoresis. Duration - one and a half hours.

If a belt treats diseases of the spine, then it is worn for 14 hours. Thus, the period of exacerbation will be reduced, the duration of treatment and the rehabilitation period will be reduced.

If you use the belt for preventive purposes, then wear it while it is in the cold, or with drafts.

In order for the product to have an effect, it is worn on a naked body. It is allowed to wear on a thin cotton shirt in cases:

  • Itching on the skin from contact with the product.
  • If after treatment procedures, irritation remains on the body.

IMPORTANT. It is forbidden to wear the product if there is an allergic reaction to dog hair.

A temporary refusal or time limit for use is assumed when:

  • The temperature is increased with colds and other diseases.
  • The body recovers after surgery in the abdominal cavity.
  • With various inflammations or infectious lesions of areas of the skin that come in contact with the belt.

In any case, the recommendation of a competent specialist is required before wearing a dog wool belt.