How to wash leatherette

Faux leather is a difficult material to care for. Products from it can often not be wetted, and should be dried under certain conditions. How then to get rid of the stain? Consider the basic methods.

Manual way

First, we clarify how to get rid of the stain on the lining:

  1. Turn the thing to the wrong side.
  2. Place on a hanger.
  3. Dilute carpet cleaner with warm water. A detergent for furniture is also suitable. Stir until foam.
  4. Apply the resulting foam (only it, do not touch the water itself) with a rag on the lining fabric.
  5. Leave on for 15 minutes. For old and stubborn stains, it is possible for 20.
  6. Wipe contaminated areas with a soft brush.
  7. Gently pat the problem areas with a towel.
  8. As soon as the spots disappear, turn the thing on the front side.
  9. Leave it alone until it dries completely.

The algorithm of actions for hand washing things from faux leather:

  1. Type warm, but by no means hot water into the basin.
  2. Add some liquid or regular powder.
  3. Soak a thing, but do not leave it unattended. Start cleaning immediately after the outfit gets wet.
  4. Do not shuffle your jacket or pants. Just pick up a sponge or brush with a soft pile and try to wipe the stain with light movements.
  5. Rinse thoroughly.
  6. Do not twist or squeeze a thing. Just hang it over the bathtub. Let the bulk of the water drain.
  7. After a couple of hours, transfer it to a warm room. Hang on your shoulders (jacket) or vertically (skirt and pants). Let it dry.

With a washing machine

Before deciding to take such a step, keep in mind that approximately 95% of leatherette items cannot be washed automatically at home. If the thing is dear to you, consult a professional.

Have you decided on desperate measures? Then cut or sew all applications and decorative elements with sharp edges, as well as those that theoretically can harm the product. Then for 10 minutes soak the item in a bathtub filled with warm water. Only then turn on the automatic machine.

Important! Be careful when setting the mode. Only those designed for delicate fabrics are suitable. Spin function is better to completely disable.

General cleaning recommendations

  • Carefully examine the label, the label of the wardrobe item. The manufacturer indicates them whether it is possible to iron, steam and wash the thing.
  • Before using the cleaning agent, be sure to conduct an experiment in an inconspicuous area.
  • It is necessary to check the reaction of the material to ordinary water.
  • Even if the label indicates that the jacket or pants can be washed, do not do this too often. Rely on cleaning more. Do not forget to handle things with protective equipment, carefully consider care issues.
  • Never dry your wardrobe on a battery or with a hairdryer.
  • Do not wash leatherette outfits with other things.

Tips for washing certain leatherette items


A little pollution can be removed with a soda and a brush. Pour the powder onto the stain, rub lightly. Blow away and look at the result. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

The second way:

  • degrease the problem area with ethanol;
  • grease it with lemon juice;
  • let dry;
  • grease with glycerin.

Important! It is impossible to predict the reaction of the material to glycerol. Be sure to do a preliminary test.

The third option is suitable for light jackets. The stain is removed from them with the help of milk or lemon juice. Rinse them off.

A bag

It is not recommended to wash the accessory. Systematically wipe it with a rag and a brush with glycerin impregnation, treat with water-repellent compounds, then it will last longer.

If the stain is very striking, prepare a homemade cleaner. Ingredients: water and 3% essence of vinegar. The components are taken in the same proportion. The product is applied pointwise, directly to problem areas.

Important! So that the bag does not lose shape, stuff it tightly with paper or towels before cleaning. You also need to make sure that water does not get on the lining.

Instead of vinegar, a wool product and dishwashing detergent are sometimes used. These options have a significant drawback: they need to be washed off. It is done like this:

  • unpainted rags from natural fabrics are taken and wetted in soft water;
  • wrung out with a damp cloth wipes the surface of the bag;
  • a specialized brush sets the direction of the pile (if the material is fleecy);
  • then the accessory is dried at room temperature away from batteries, electric heat sources and sunlight.

Advice! If the stain is too large, you will not be able to protect the lining from getting wet. To avoid unpleasant consequences, open the lining before cleaning and sew after the bag has dried.

Want to extend the "youth" of the accessory? After handling the stain, wipe the outside of the bag with a silicone-soaked sponge. Doing this is only after complete drying.


The process of automatically washing a leatherette skirt is no different from the method described above. Maximum allowable water temperature: 30 degrees. Optimum mode: delicate or manual. Instead of powder, it is better to use baby shampoo or liquid soap.

The outfit is dried at room temperature in an upright position. If you are afraid of smudges, cover the skirt with a clean towel.


Algorithm of actions:

  • to prepare a solution, mix alcohol and soft water in equal proportions;
  • apply the product on a soft cloth, wipe the pants (move your hand gently, do not press and do not blink);
  • at the end of the procedure, wipe the treated area with a dry cloth;
  • hang your pants on your shoulders in a heated room with no drafts.

If the product label indicates that it can be machine washed, consider the following features:

  • only modes for delicate fabrics are suitable;
  • need to abandon the spin;
  • the item should be taken out immediately after washing, otherwise it will be remembered strongly;
  • Do not use bleaches.

We recommend purchasing specialized products designed for leatherette items.