How to wash kitchen towels?

The kitchen is the heart of the apartment.

The whole family gathers here, so a good housewife thinks about aesthetic details in the interior that will add coziness. This element includes kitchen towels. Why are they most often polluted? Is it worth trying to remove complex stains at home or throw away the product? How expensive is a family budget for washing? Read the answers, as well as folk methods of getting rid of pollution in this article.

Why are kitchen towels soiled so quickly?

Life “boils” in the kitchen, constantly preparing something, washing, preparing for the holidays and family events. In the process of frying, cooking, housewives often use towels instead of potholders, some replace them with tablecloths. Usually grease and dirt are firmly eaten into the fabric, it becomes difficult to wash them. To remove stains from foods, dyes and fat can be modern or folk methods.

How to wash a not soiled towel?

This option is only suitable for products that have been used for 3 days or less. It is enough to simply wash them in an automatic machine at a certain temperature in combination with a correctly selected powder. Previously, you can not soak.

White cotton fabrics are washed at a temperature of 90–100 ° C. For color optimal 40-60–С, not higher.

Eliminate old spots

What if the towel is very dirty and the above method does not help? Everything is very simple - it should be soaked before washing. Firstly, this can be done in a correctly selected bleach. Hold the hour in it. Secondly, leave for 4-5 hours in a mixture of washing powder with 5 tablespoons of soda.

Colored items from soda become discolored.

Thirdly, leave in cool salty water (pour a spoonful of salt into a liter of water). After any of the ways, just scroll through things normally.

Did all of the above help? Try folk methods.

Folk remedies against fat and other spots

Vegetable oil

Surprisingly, it is oil that fights against stubborn stains. To do this, pour about 5 liters of water into a bowl and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat, add the powder, bleach and oil (all ingredients are 3 tablespoons each). Put a towel there, stir a little and cover until completely cooled. After - just wash the fabric.

Vegetable oil should be added last. If this is not done, then a film forms on the surface of the water, which will interfere with the connection of the remaining components, and spots will remain.


Regular table vinegar helps get rid of fat and mold. You can just soak the fabric in warm vinegar water. To get it, you need to mix a liter of water and a glass of vinegar 5–9%. Rinse well and hang. Or add half a cup of essence instead of air conditioning when washing in a machine.

Set the temperature and time to maximum. When rinsing, falling into the drum, vinegar will remove odors. Next we take out the towels and hang them up.

When working with vinegar, always use gloves to protect your skin.


It is able to remove old dirty spots. It is used for different types of washes. You need to pour soda into the drum of a washing machine or into a basin, wash and rinse the towels. Do not forget to iron.

Dishwashing liquid

To get rid of greasy traces, you need to take a dry towel and apply detergent for a period of not less than 24 hours. After time - rinse and wash.

When using dishwashing liquid, a lot of foam forms and stains remain.

Laundry soap

Perhaps the most affordable of all means, which will get rid of old traces. You just need to soap the dirty places, put the cloth in a plastic bag and tie it. Leave for 12 hours, and wash in the morning. There will be no trace of spots.


How to apply it? Pour 4 liters of water into the basin and bring to a boil. Pour a tablespoon of silicate glue with powder, bring to a homogeneous consistency. Put towels there and leave for 30 minutes. It remains only to wash in a typewriter and rinse thoroughly so that the glue does not remain in the fibers.

Colored fabrics from this method shed.

Lemon acid

It perfectly displays beetroot and tomato traces. Wet towels should be soaped, rinsed and wrung out. Then drip onto the stains with citric acid. After 7 minutes, rinse under running water.

You can use a slightly different method:

  • dissolve citric acid in 100 g of water and moisten a stain with it;
  • leave for 2-3 hours;
  • soak a towel in powder for half an hour;
  • to stash.


Even in it you can remove stains. Nothing complicated here. It should be soaped with laundry soap, put it in a plastic bag. Without tying, roll it up and put in the microwave for 1.5 minutes at a power of at least 600 watts. After a minute break, turn on the microwave for another 1.5 minutes. Then rinse. Dirt and foul odor will disappear.


This method will help if the house does not have a washing machine or towel, well, very dirty. By digestion it is possible to achieve crystal whiteness, but with what to boil?

General principle of boiling: take enameled dishes, fill it with 2/3 of the water, bring to 100˚С. Add the ingredients to prepare the solution.

Load towels and cook, stirring occasionally, on low heat for 30 minutes (for severe contamination, take longer). Get towels, rinse and wash.

For additives to water, you can use:

  • finely grated bar of laundry soap + 3 tablespoons of soda;
  • 1 cup soda;
  • a tablespoon of glue and soap in 10 liters of water;
  • 50 grams of soda, a small bottle of peroxide and 2 tablespoons of powder per 8 liters.

The synthetics of boiling will not survive, therefore only natural fabrics can be boiled.

4 products for express whitening towels

After stains are removed, many products lose their whiteness. You can restore your previous look yourself without spending a budget on dry cleaning. Below are 4 of the most effective tools.

Hydrogen peroxide

The solution will quickly return freshness to the material. Peroxide actively fights stains of any origin. You can pour them and leave for 30 minutes, wash and rinse well. Or mix 2 teaspoons of peroxide with a liter of water. Place a towel there for 3 hours, wash after a while.

Potassium permanganate

This method works flawlessly. In addition to removing stains, it also disinfects. Dissolve 200 grams of powder and a couple of crystals of manganese in hot water so that the water becomes pinkish. Soak pre-washed towels in the resulting solution, cover with a film and leave for 6-8 hours. After - rinse well.


First, towels should be washed. Then dilute the dry mustard with warm water until smooth and apply the mixture on the spots. Leave for 8 hours or overnight. Do not forget to rinse.

All manipulations should be carried out with gloves, since mustard is very baking.

Boric acid

You can buy it at a pharmacy for a small price. Bleaching by this method is possible for dense or wafer fabrics. Add 3 l of water and 2 tablespoons of acid to the basin. Put dirty things for 2 hours, then wash them and rinse.

Note to the hostess - how to extend the life of a kitchen towel

  1. There should always be several towels in stock.
  2. It is better to use waffle products, terrycloths have a long pile and it is more difficult to remove stains.
  3. Change the towel every 2-3 days, then it will not have time to become very dirty.
  4. Choose dark or colorful colors, they are not visible spots.
  5. Store dirty in a mesh bag. In them, they will dry before washing.
  6. Use only as directed.
  7. Wash separately from other things.
  8. To make the fabric less dirty and wash well, you can add starch when soaked.
  9. Alternate ways to get rid of pollution.
  10. After washing, dry in the fresh air, because sunlight is a natural bleach.
  11. So that after washing the fabric smells nice, you can add soda and essential oil to the water when rinsing.
  12. Be sure to iron, so they stay clean longer.