How to wash the curtains

Often, buying a curtain in the bathroom, we don’t even think about how we will have to look after it. We are mainly interested in size, color and, of course, price. As a rule, we do not pay attention to care information, and then questions arise: what to do, how to be, and how to wash it?

Ways to wash curtains in the bathroom

The washing methods and the means to be used are, of course, different. This may be a preventative treatment of the curtain. Partial washing, for example, only the bottom. Or a full wash. And, depending on the types of pollution and the manufacturer's recommendations, the means are selected. Hand wash with and without soaking is possible, as well as machine wash.

Bath curtains do not tolerate aggressive drugs, although pollution is often serious, such as fungus or mucus. Rust and calcareous smudges are not so scary, but the curtain at the same time looks, you see, unpleasant.

To choose a method and means for washing, you need to know what your curtain consists of. Polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride or fabric?

IMPORTANT! For fabric curtains, care instructions must be observed. Perhaps the fabric is saturated with a special water-repellent, so you need to wash it with an appropriate liquid preparation.

Prevention is an effective help to keep the bathroom clean: ventilate the bathroom, shower off the foam and soap from the curtain with a shower, remove it from the bathtub to prevent contact with a wet surface, and even dry it with a rag.

But if such prevention does not bring significant results, then wash and wash.

How to wash the curtain in the bathroom yourself

Partial wash possible. If only the bottom of the curtain is dirty, then removing it because of this is not worth it. Lay out the bottom of the curtains on the edge of the bathtub, soak, soap, wipe with a cloth or sponge and rinse. That is the whole procedure. By the way, in this way it is best to wash the polyethylene curtain - by weight and along the entire length, without removing, because She will not “survive” in the basin, she will lose her appearance after the first wash.

Curtains from other materials can be washed easily by hand, if necessary - and with soaking.


Means for removing contaminants:

- yellow and white calcareous deposits - vinegar and lemon juice;

- rust is the same, plus citric acid;

- fungus and mold - alkali and antiseptic, for example, tar soap and baking soda. Also, Pemolux and special tools for removing mold.

The main thing with hand washing is to rinse the product well, without twisting and without squeezing. Drain and then gently hang to dry.

Another important point: it is better to soak and wash the curtains in a large volume of water, not in the basin, but directly in the bathtub to avoid creases and scuffs and preserve the appearance, because the material is still not natural.

ATTENTION! When working with acid, use protective equipment.

A little tip: to wash less often, you can rinse the curtain in salt water after washing.

How to wash a curtain in a washing machine

If you are lucky and the curtain can be machine washed, then this is happiness. A few simple rules, and no need to hunch over the bath, rub and soap.

REMINDER! In no case can a polyethylene curtain be washed in a typewriter: of course, it will be clean, but it will lose its appearance forever.

Of course, if the pollution is too large, it is better to soak the curtain, at least the dirtiest areas. You can make pulp from soda and lemon and grate rusty places. Wait a few minutes - and into the typewriter. And do not forget to remove the rings, otherwise the drum will suffer greatly. Choose an extremely delicate mode. Everyone on typewriters has his own, but to summarize, it’s 30-40 degrees, 400 revolutions and 30-40 minutes. Exception only if other parameters are declared by the manufacturer.

You can wash it with ordinary powder. For whitening “Vanish” is suitable as a more delicate product.

REFERENCE. Be sure to wash the curtain with terry towels, which is good both for its protection and for creating the effect of a soft brush.

The product is best not to squeeze and, moreover, do not dry in the machine. Again, to avoid creases and deterioration of appearance. As in the case of hand washing, after the machine wash, let the water drain and dry the curtain in a convenient way.

ATTENTION! Ironing curtains for the bathroom is undesirable, unless it is authorized by the manufacturer.

Practical advice: buy two curtains. While one is in the wash, the other is working. Then the appearance will remain longer, and the eye will be more pleasant.

Most importantly, remember: a curtain to the bathroom is just an accessory. If you again face the choice of which curtain to buy, then focus not only on price and color, but also on care instructions. Let your home shine with purity and freshness!