How to use shoe wax

Any shoe always requires good care, because it can last much longer. Care, in particular, is important in the autumn and spring, as moisture can penetrate the structure of the boot and spoil it from the inside. This is especially true for leather boots. Colorless wax for shoes will help you survive without the consequences of the vagaries of nature and preserve the original appearance of your boots . In this article we will analyze in detail why it is needed and how to use it correctly.

Features of shoe wax

  • Firstly, it protects the skin from the formation of cracks and other defects.
  • Secondly, all the elements that make up the product soften the skin and give it shine .

    After applying the agent, the thinnest film is formed, which flawlessly repels water, dirt and various road reagents.

    That is why this tool should be preferred when buying.

Important! Wax immediately replaces 2 products: shoe polish and water-repellent impregnation.

How to use shoe wax

When buying, you should definitely open the cover and inspect it, so you can judge the quality of the product.

What should be the wax

Now we will talk more about the signs of a quality substance.


If the wax is quite thick and does not have a pungent odor, then most likely you are holding a good quality product in your hands. According to the recommendations of manufacturers, only it is perfectly applied with a thin layer and protects boots from moisture. And while well moisturizing the skin.

If there is a pungent odor, then this indicates that synthetic components were used in the production. We do not recommend buying such a tool, as it can ruin your boots.

Attention! When buying a thick consistency product, it is worth remembering that it will be absorbed into the skin longer. Therefore, it will take a lot of time to process the boots. In this case, a hairdryer is usually used to speed up the process.

Almost all manufacturers use special solvents to better mix the components. They are able to act on boots in different ways. Therefore, do not immediately process all the shoes that you have . Better apply a small amount of wax in an inconspicuous place, and then leave for a day. If nothing bad happened with the boots, then you can handle them whole.


When buying wax, pay attention to its structure. If you see a lot of bubbles, then you probably have a low-quality product.

Reference! As a rule, bubbles appear in those products that are produced chemically. The components react incorrectly with each other and bubbles form.

We advise you to purchase wax in the same store as the boots. The fact is that consultants offer a tool that is perfect for your material. Another advantage is that if you have problems with shoes, you can always make complaints to the store.

How to apply wax

  • Before applying, you need to thoroughly wash your shoes, as it is important to remove road reagents from the shoes, as well as dust and dirt.
  • After that, dry them thoroughly, preferably a day.
  • It is recommended to apply wax using a natural pile brush . If you do not have one, then you can use a foam sponge.
  • Then with a sponge you need to grab a certain amount of the product and apply in a circular motion, starting from the sock . This procedure is quite simple, since the product is distributed evenly with a thin layer.
  • If the shoe care product has a thick consistency, then after processing, warm the shoes with a hairdryer. After that, we recommend polishing the boots with a cotton cloth.
  • Next, leave the steam for 24 hours so that the wax is well soaked in the skin.
  • This treatment prolongs the life of the leather boots. Wax can be applied 1 time. And after that, for a whole week you can forget about the deep shoe shine.

Important! If you use a cream or spray to soak shoes, then do not combine these funds with wax.

The fact is that in the production of funds different components are used. And no one knows how they will affect each other. We do not advise you to take risks, as this can lead to damage to the boots.

Now you know what wax for shoes is and how it is applied. Good luck!