How to update leather gloves at home?

Leather accessories require constant and competent care, because this expensive thing is purchased for more than one season. In order for them to serve for a long time and look great at the same time, you need to know how to properly care for whimsical material. Read how to give gloves their original appearance by removing stains from them and refreshing the surface.

Skin Cleansing Rules

Leather is an expensive and moody material. In order not to harm her, the cleaning of leather gloves requires compliance with several rules:

  • fresh contaminants are easily removed, so do it in a timely manner, and then you will not need all the following tips;
  • Do not get the product wet;
  • use only the methods recommended for this shade of material;
  • after processing, dry the accessory in vivo;
  • castor oil is the first friend of the skin after any mechanical or chemical effect on its surface.

Ways to upgrade gloves yourself

Safe cleaning should only be done with gentle methods, taking into account the color of the gloves. In specialized stores you can buy napkins for leather products with impregnation. Leather gloves can also be cleaned with them, since they contain active ingredients that remove traces of dirt, grease with a small amount. Such napkins will perfectly refresh the color and update the accessory. But with larger troubles it is worth turning to more radical methods.


Light-colored gloves should only use gentle cleaning methods. These include contact effects on the skin with non-aggressive home remedies:

  • egg white;
  • milk;
  • makeup remover milk;
  • spray paint.

The very first way to use this is to remove stains and dirt with a chicken egg:

  • we separate the protein from the yolk;
  • beat the protein until a thick foam is obtained;
  • evenly distribute it on the surface of the glove;
  • leave for 10-15 minutes;
  • remove the applied composition with a damp cloth or soft cloth.

If the proposed method did not cope with the task, then it is worth continuing to cleanse with milk or milk to remove makeup . Both products applied to the swab simply wipe the surface of the skin and collect impurities. The final stage is the processing of the glove with a damp cloth.

It may happen that the spots still remain, or the spot was old. Then you can use lemon juice squeezed out of half of the citrus, which is applied with a swab to the glove and after five minutes is removed from the surface with a clean sponge. However, this method affects the skin very aggressively, so resort to it last, and then treat it with several layers of cream for care.

Important! Paint is used, losing hope of updating the material in other ways. This option is used for deeply soiled pollution. Purchase aerosol only from trusted manufacturers, and work with it indoors with good ventilation or in the open air.


To get rid of dirt and stains of such gloves is much easier than light. To do this, we use the following tools:

  • soap suds;
  • ammonia solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

With a soapy foam, wipe the surface of the glove worn on your hand, then wipe it with a soft cloth, dry and treat with cream. If this method was ineffective, then take a solution of ammonia and dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Using a cotton pad moistened with the resulting composition, treat the surface of the skin, then wipe it with a damp cloth.

In extreme cases, use hydrogen peroxide cleansing with washing powder:

  • dissolve a small amount of powder in water;
  • whip everything into foam;
  • add 1 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide;
  • evenly distribute the resulting solution on the surface;
  • leave the composition for 5 minutes;
  • Remove foam from gloves with a damp cloth or soft cloth.


Beautiful colored gloves can be cleaned in the ways recommended for light accessories, except for the method with lemon juice, which can discolor areas of the material. But the very first method that is used when colored skin is contaminated is cleaning with bread crumb.

Important! For this, bread must be baked with yeast.

Take bread crumb, soak it in water and apply the mixture to contaminated places. For a better effect, leave the pulp on the surface of the glove for a while, and then remove everything with wet wipes.

How to update the lining?

The inside of the product also needs to be cleaned. The glove turned inside out can be renewed with a wet brush, if the dirt is small, or gentle hand washing with more significant changes. Water is used very limited. Dry the glove better wrapped in a terry towel .

You can turn to the dry method of cleaning with talcum powder: it is poured inside, knead with your hands until the entire inner surface is completely treated, then the glove is turned out and a talcum powder that has absorbed dirt is cleaned with a clothes brush.

Proper drying

Moistened accessories must always dry on a horizontal surface away from heaters . An exception can only be drying on a mannequin. A hairdryer cannot be applied to the skin. It is deformed due to drying out. By placing the gloves on a soft terry towel or wrapping them, you can slightly speed up the process naturally. When drying, smooth and smooth the skin with your hands . Then be sure to treat the emollient composition.

How to prevent pollution in the future?

For this, daily and weekly glove care methods are used. Each time you come home, wipe the material with a soft, dry cloth, paying particular attention to the seams . Once every one to two weeks, wipe the skin with a squeezed cotton pad soaked in water with liquid soap, carry out the procedure quickly so that the material does not have time to be saturated with moisture. Then wipe with a dry cloth, dry the product and treat with castor oil. In case of accidental contamination, try to get rid of them in a timely manner. At the initial stage, this is easy to do, but when it is absorbed into the skin, it is extremely difficult.