How to tie a belt on a kimono, hand-to-hand combat.

How does the combat path of an adherent of hand-to-hand combat begin? No, not from staging, learning techniques, or even from warming up. The path begins with the correct folding of a kimono and tying a belt, which this article is devoted to.

The belt is an important part of a kimono. Its other name is Ob. When the reception is held, it keeps the jacket from swinging open. By its color, the rank of the owner in the world of hand-to-hand combat is determined.

With the wrong technique of tying the belt, the jacket will constantly “fly out” and swing open, which will cause inconvenience and comments from the trainer.

Important! Pick a belt for you. The length can range from 2 to 3.2 meters.


  • Two step-by-step methods: how to tie a belt on a kimono
  • Useful Tips

Two step-by-step methods: how to tie a belt on a kimono

The most common two types of tying. They are universal and are used in addition to hand-to-hand fighting in karate, judo, ju-jitsu, sambo.

First way:

  • First, determine the middle and just above the navel stretch the obi at the waist;
  • Wrap around the waist so that the ends come forward. Hold the ends with both hands on the sides;
  • The left edge looks down, and the right is drawn first under it, then under the strip on the stomach. We get a loop not fully tightened;
  • We stretch the left ending through the formed loop and tighten as tight as possible. The main thing is that the knot should be flat.

The second way:

  • Take the end of the belt at waist level. Select the length of this short end for yourself (30–40 cm);
  • With a long edge, make two turns around the body. Layers are superimposed strictly on each other;
  • The outer upper end picks up two layers on the abdomen from below;
  • The remaining steps are repeated in the first way.

Important! The difference between the methods is only in the methods of covering the waist, while the knot remains unchanged.

Useful Tips

When tying, make sure that the kimono is securely fixed and no elements of it hinder you from moving. Otherwise, flaws in the form may affect the implementation of techniques.

After you make two turns of the obi around the body and tie it, pay attention to the length of the ends - it should not exceed 30 cm.

Important! The correctness of the knot is checked as follows: the ends will be below the edge of the jacket, but above the level of the knees.

If the belt is purchased for children, it should be taken softer than for an adult, otherwise he will not be able to tie it on his own.

This is the basic information you need to know when choosing a belt. We examined the main methods of tying. With some skill, the whole process will take about one minute. Fruitful training and success in sports achievements!