How to smooth eco-leather

Ecoskin is a modern material, which in terms of external parameters is indistinguishable with the naked eye from genuine leather. In addition, ecoskin has acquired this name for a reason. The manufacturing process meets all the requirements of animal and environmental advocates. The material is made using polyurethane.

Clothing made of such a fabric is very popular among leather lovers. Jackets, skirts, dresses and more. However, the methods of caring for clothes made of this material are somewhat different from the methods for caring for products made of genuine leather.

Bruises that occur on eco-leather items more often than on genuine leather items can become a frequent problem. They are formed due to the structure of the material itself and due to improper storage. Such various creases and bruises can be corrected by proper ironing. In this case, neither dry cleaning nor special methods will be required requiring special physical and material costs.

How to iron eco-leather

Iron is a universal tool in the fight against all kinds of bruises of clothing. Whether it is a shirt or a leather jacket, an iron with the right approach will help to give a pristine look to any element of the wardrobe. You can iron products made of eco-leather, but you need to make sure that you do not spoil the thing.

An important factor when ironing clothes and products made of this material is compliance with all its features. However, if you do not forget about these features, smoothing clothes will not bring any difficulties. The process is not much different from smoothing other types of tissue.

Temperature mode, steam off

Eco-leather is a synthetic material and is produced by thermal exposure. Therefore, high temperatures can adversely affect tissue. You need to carefully approach the task of temperature of the iron and turn off the steaming mode. Ironing range should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

Turn inside out lined products

Perhaps the most important aspect is ironing things from eco-leather on the wrong side. The material consists of several synthetic layers, the upper of which is not very resistant to temperature. Therefore, the smoothing process is performed from the wrong side.

Important! Also on the wrong side you need to test. After passing through it with an iron, you need to make sure that the fabric is not deformed. Only if everything is in order can you continue ironing.

Smoothing a piece of product through double chintz fabric

To further secure the fabric, you can take additional opportunities. On the wrong side, ironing should be done through a layer of double chintz fabric. Thus, you are sure to protect eco-leather from deformation and excessive heat.

In the end turn out, add volume and leave to cool

As has been repeatedly said above, high temperatures are dangerous for products made of eco-leather. Therefore, after the smoothing process, it is required to turn the thing on the front side, manually smooth out all the bumps and leave for a while, so that the thing cools down. At the same time, it is advisable to give the necessary volume so that the tissue remembers it and no longer wrinkles.

How to smooth out eco-leather

Since the process of smoothing with an iron is not always effective and safe, there are other ways to smooth the creases of this material.

Warm water

The structural features of the fabric allow you to do a lot of manipulations with it, which lead to leveling the surface of the material.

Warm water is perhaps the easiest way. All that is required is to apply warm water to eco-leather things. You can do this with a sponge, or spray it with a spray gun. After wetting, the clothes need to be smoothed and hung to give volume and drying.

You can also use the steam bath. To do this, you need to hang your item in the bathroom out of reach of water and open the faucet with hot water. Thanks to the rising pair, eco-leather clothing will begin to smooth itself. After some time, the clothes must be placed on a hanger and left to dry for a long period of time.

Hair dryer

One of the effective ways to smooth wrinkled eco-leather clothes is to use an ordinary hairdryer. When smoothing with a hairdryer, you will need to turn it on at the maximum possible power.

Clothes should be put either on a flat surface or hung on a hanger, while turning inside out. A hair dryer is sent to the rumpled area, so the fabric heats up. After heating, let eco-leather cool. If the crease is not smoothed out, then the procedure should be repeated.