How to sew a satin ribbon to tulle?

Satin ribbons are an indispensable attribute of a muslin young lady or a little girl. Serious girls have been trying on themselves for several seasons. The craze for kanzashi technique, as well as embroidery ribbons returned cute satin gizmos to our handicraft boxes. They are perfect as finishes for delicate fabrics, in particular for tulle.

Necessary materials

In order to sew tapes to the product, we need the following:

  • tulle;
  • fitny tapes of necessary width;
  • thin sewing needle;
  • set of pins;
  • threads in tone;
  • lighter;
  • steam iron;
  • iron pad - dense natural white fabric.

Important! Since the synthetic satin, from which ribbons are now made, is easy to melt, the ironed product is only made through an iron. Similar recommendations for tulle.

What products do you need to complete this decoration:

  1. For the manufacture of veils or complex hats.
  2. Sewing tulle skirts:
  • American.
  • Pack.
  • The sun and its variations, including multilayer.
  • Sewing ballroom, pop and carnival costumes, as well as petticoats to them.

Since tulle does not wear out, its edge does not crumble, finishing on the edges is not necessary, but it gives a neat, finished look to the product.

Step by step how to sew a satin ribbon to tulle

Working process:

Option 1

  • We measure out the required amount of tape, equal to the perimeter of the edge of the main product. Remember that the length of the materials must match, we do not collect the tape with folds.
  • We burn the free edges of the ribbon with a lighter very carefully so that there are no brown streaks.

Advice! In addition to a lighter, you can use a red-hot knife or scissors. The slice does not bloom and it turns out perfectly smooth.

  • We process the edge of the main fabric with a ribbon as an oblique binding, folding it in half. Since tulle does not stretch, the ribbon, not being cut along the oblique, will still not wrinkle.
  • If we are skirting a skirt, then we loop our ribbon by flashing it on a machine.
  • We chop off the tape with pins around the cut.

  • Flashing.
  • Steaming.
  • Try on.

Advice! If you are adjusting ribbons not looped, then at the end of the work, smear the cut with glue, for example, PVA, it will not let the threads open. In the same way it is possible to process tulle with a finished oblique trim, it will be very similar in appearance, but it is much more convenient to work with it.

Option 2:

  • We measure the satin ribbons in an amount greater than the edge perimeter by 2-3 times.
  • We process the edge of the main part with a narrow zigzag stitch.
  • We adjust the ribbon on the front part strictly in the center of the ribbon, forming folds.
  • Steaming.
  • Try on.

Processing tulle with ribbons is especially relevant for the image of a bride in the style of the 60s, then both a veil and a skirt with such a finish will look very advantageous.