How to remove a greasy stain from a jacket

Greasy spots on the jacket are a common everyday problem that almost everyone has encountered. Sources of various: machine oil, vegetable oil sprinkled during cooking, dropped fatty foods. To eliminate pollution, it is not necessary to take the product to dry cleaning - you can handle it yourself. In this article, we will figure out how to remove fat from a jacket at home.

Contamination can be recent / fresh or have already dried up, fit in. The cleaning methods for them are different, so consider this when


REFERENCE: old, already dried spots have a matte structure, fresh - shiny.

Basic stain removal methods

If the trace is fresh, just appeared and did not have time to dry, it will be easier to eliminate it. The main thing is not to try to thoroughly wipe it. So the situation will only get worse. To get started, take a small cloth or napkin, gently blot the contaminated area. The fabric absorbs excess fat and moisture.

Then use one of these tools:

  1. Corn starch. Lay the product down, sprinkle starch onto the stain thoroughly. The substance absorbs fat, pulls it out: for this, it will take about 30 minutes. Then gently wipe off any starch.

  2. A mixture of starch and Castilian soap. Mix the ingredients, the proportion is 1: 2, treat the necessary areas with the resulting mixture, wait an hour. After the procedure, treat the surface with liquid soap, then wash the item in the washing machine;
  3. Talc. Sprinkle with the substance the necessary areas, lay the product horizontally at night. Remove the leftovers in the morning. Talcum powder effectively copes with spots on any kind of tissue or skin;
  4. Citrus oil. Take a cotton pad, pour a little oil on it, attach to the stain. IMPORTANT: quickly remove the disc and put a paper towel on the product. Iron the jacket with an iron through the towel until it dries completely;
  5. Mustard Powder. Dilute the substance with water, treat the desired areas with the mixture and wait 35-40 minutes. Then remove the residue.

    REFERENCE This method is not suitable for light products - new spots will appear. Use only for dark colors.

  6. Laundry or tar soap. Wash with soap, leave for 2 hours. Wash the product in the usual way.
  7. Lemon or onion. Cut the ingredient in half, wipe the stain with the resulting slice, leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash in the usual way;
  8. Polish for hair. Treat with this product, let it dry (10-15 minutes), wash.

If the traces are already dried, gasoline salt or glycerin will help.


Apply the substance, wait 5 minutes: it will penetrate the tissue to dissolve the fat. After the procedure, wash the product with a washing machine.

REFERENCE. A method with a strong persistent smell. It will take a lot of time to get rid of it.


The procedure goes in several stages, it takes a lot of time. Sprinkle dirty patches of salt. Leave until the grease soaks the fabric, wipe off the salt and apply a new one. Repeat all steps until the stain disappears. Wash in the usual way.


Put the substance on a cotton pad, treat the contaminated surface. Leave until full fit (40-45 minutes). Remove the residue with a dry cloth, wash the jacket.

The use of mixtures

1. Starch + gasoline: prepare the mixture in a ratio of 1: 4. Put the resulting mass on a trace of fat, leave to dry, wipe, wash the product. REFERENCE: For leather products and traces of vegetable oil.

2. Washing powder + vinegar. Pre-treat the stain with a powder diluted in warm water. Take a cotton pad or cloth, dampen abundantly in vinegar and wipe the desired spot. Then wipe off any residue with a soapy cloth.

Stains on a bologna jacket

Eliminating contamination from such a fabric is difficult, but possible. It is important to do this immediately after the appearance of the stain, to prevent drying.


Pre-clean the item from excess dust with a damp cloth. Take a medium sized vegetable, wash and cut in half. Treat fat marks with a slice of potato. Wait for drying and wash the jacket.

Means of "anti-stains"

One of the cheapest stain removers based on lemon juice. Great for bologna fabric. Wipe off contamination with a damp cloth, then wash with soap. Leave on for 15 minutes, then wash in the usual way.

Toothpaste or powder

Bleaching agents of the composition effectively remove fat residues from the tissue. REFERENCE The method is suitable for dark materials, not light.

Carefully treat the marks with paste or diluted powder, use a clean rag or toothbrush. Leave the product for a short while and remove the excess with a damp cloth. Wash the product in the washing machine or on your hands.

a piece of chalk

To carry out the procedure, grind a piece of chalk into powder, sprinkle with it contaminated places and remove after 10-15 minutes. The substance absorbs fat. It is necessary to repeat the action several times until the stain disappears.