How to pack an umbrella cane as a gift

An umbrella cane is a great gift for any occasion, suitable for men and women. However, it’s quite difficult to choose a beautiful box or bright packaging for it, since the dimensions are oversized and very inconvenient for high-quality packaging. But everyone knows that the value of a presented presentation is more than doubled when properly designed. Experts give some important tips that will help you properly pack the umbrella and present it beautifully to the hero of the occasion.

How to pack an umbrella cane as a gift?

An umbrella is a practical and very useful thing. With the right choice, such a gift will surely please anyone. To make the gift process more enjoyable, you need to pack everything beautifully. For this, designers offer several universal options:

  • transparent or bright colorful film (on a hard surface lay a sheet of packaging paper of the right size, put an umbrella in the middle and tighten it with film, on top of the package you need to decorate it with a large bright bow in tone);
  • a huge bright bow (you can completely exclude the use of the film and give the umbrella in its natural form, knitting a beautiful and large bow, this packaging looks original and catchy);
  • many multi-colored ribbons (girls will definitely like a gift decorated with bright satin ribbons, they can be tied with beautiful bows or left to hang freely).

Important! To make creative packaging is not necessary to spend a large amount of money on the purchase of supplies. Some designers specifically glue several newspapers or sheets from fashion magazines, which subsequently pack presentations in them. This is a very original and modern solution.

Beautiful and original packaging for a gift cane umbrella

It should be remembered that in the first place, the person presented always pays attention to the appearance, that is, the packaging of the gift, and only then to its contents. Even the most budget-friendly present can be wrapped so that it significantly fuels the interest and curiosity of a person, helping to remember such a gift for a long time.

Designers suggest using thematic boxes or wrapping paper to decorate the cane umbrella. For example, paper with music pages can be selected for the musician or made to order a box with images of medical items, for the doctor.

You can also decorate an umbrella with greeting cards by tying them to the base with colorful ribbons. Some even use beautiful branches of fir in the design or clusters of juicy mountain ash.

The imagination of the donor can be almost limitless. The main thing is that the present is remembered for a long time and is appropriate for a particular case.