How much to wear compression stockings after surgery?

One of the proven ways to restore the full functioning of the muscle fiber system and venous system after surgery is compression stockings. Since they belong to the category of medical underwear, they must be selected very carefully.

Compression stockings are called special treatment and prophylactic products made of a special material and providing anti-embolic effect on the legs.

Why do I need compression stockings after surgery?

These practical products have successfully replaced not very comfortable elastic bandages.

The main functions of such knitwear include:

  • effective support of the walls of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • stimulation of venous circulation of the legs;
  • prevention of pathological expansion of veins;
  • the fight against spider veins;
  • elimination of cramps in the calves of the legs;
  • decreased feeling of heaviness and tiredness in the legs.

Anti-embolic stockings are made from materials that are not able to cause allergies. These products have no seams. In addition, they perfectly pass air and practically do not differ in appearance from ordinary stockings.

How much to wear medical jersey?

Such products perform a pressure effect of varying degrees in various places. In the area of ​​the ankles, this pressure reaches the highest level (100%), in the area of ​​the knees, the degree of influence has an average intensity indicator (70%), and in the area of ​​the hips it is minimal (30-40%).

Reference! High-quality compression stockings are made in such a way that the distributed pressure is carried out precisely on the problem areas. The degree of compression as it moves to the hip gradually decreases (up to 30-40%), therefore, the movement of blood is carried out in the necessary direction - to the heart.

Compression stockings according to the degree of compression are divided into 4 classes:

  1. The degree of exposure to 23 mm RT. Art. (quite effective in pregnancy, edema, in the initial stages of varicose veins (such stockings are also called daily).
  2. The degree of exposure to 33 mm RT. Art. (Recommended for the middle stage of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, as well as to accelerate the healing process of ulcers).
  3. The degree of exposure to 45 mm RT. Art. (used in acute venous insufficiency).
  4. The degree of exposure to 50 mm RT. Art. (Recommended after heavy operations to restore the outflow of lymph and get rid of edema).

The necessary duration of wearing such underwear is determined by a phlebologist. The minimum period for using these products is 3 months. If varicose veins are found, it may be necessary to constantly use anti-embolic stockings.

Knitwear Tips

In the treatment of any disease, the recovery period is very important, therefore, it is imperative to strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician. This also applies to the period of wearing compression underwear.

You can not remove such products yourself for a long period, or even stop using this linen without consulting a doctor.

Advice! Wear compression hosiery in the morning without getting out of bed.

You can’t put on such clothes, we’ll figure out how to put on these stockings. Putting your hand inside the product, the stocking should be collected to the very heel and slowly put on the leg. Remove stockings, too, carefully and in stages to avoid damage to their structure.

Duration of wearing after surgery

The period of use of anti-embolic underwear in the postoperative period is determined by the doctor. On average, the following terms are assigned:

  • after cesarean section - 2-3 weeks;
  • after laparoscopy - 3-5 days for diagnostic intervention and 14-28 days for medical intervention;
  • after surgery to remove the uterus - from 2-4 weeks to 2 months;
  • after surgery to remove the kidney - from 5 days to 2-4 weeks, depending on the method;
  • after surgery to remove the gallbladder - from 10 days to 1 month;
  • after surgery for joint replacement - 3-4 weeks (in case of complications - 6-8 weeks).

Sports and compression products

Anti-embolic underwear is very comfortable and beneficial for muscles. There is a special type of orthopedic jerseys designed specifically for sports training.

It is recommended to use compression stockings or sports knitwear during the exercise, so that the vessels recover faster and do not get excessive load during exercise.

The use of such elastic materials enhances the intensity of the workout and extends its time.

Anti-embolic care

Things of this kind should be washed every day. This recommendation is dictated by the fact that during use, dust and dead epithelial cells accumulate in them.

For washing such things, it is best to use baby soap or specific products designed specifically for washing products of this kind. Such stockings are best washed by hand. They can not be boiled. Also, you can not squeeze such products, and dry them on horizontal surfaces.

Anti-embolic stockings support legs well in everyday activities. A wide range of products of this kind allows you to choose the perfect option for each individual case. It should be borne in mind that choosing compression stockings, you must first focus on the opinion of a specialist.