How to make a step by step bullfinch from yarn

Yarn is an amazing material from which you can make a huge number of different crafts. This is a great opportunity to try yourself in a new form of creativity and perhaps find a hobby to your liking. The main advantage of such products is that you do not need many other additional materials, as well as the presence of special skills in order to start crafting.

Crafts from yarn are great gifts for friends and relatives for any holiday, because getting a hand-made thing is always nice. Novice craftswomen can try to make a bullfinch out of yarn with their own hands. What will be required for this and how to prevent annoying mistakes? You will learn about all this in this article.

Tools and materials

The list of additional materials for your craft will depend on the “model” of the bullfinch that you choose. On the Internet you can find a huge number of different ideas that differ not only in the appearance of the finished product, but also in terms of complexity.

IMPORTANT! If you have never done anything like this before, then you should not panic. Prepare in advance everything that may be required in the process of work, and also carefully study the step-by-step instructions for performing the crafts. Be careful and careful and then everything will work out the first time.

Everything you need can be found in specialized stores for sewing or embroidery. Choose bright shades, because the bullfinch is an amazingly beautiful bird that stands out from other birds precisely with its bright plumage.

So what is needed? It:

  • threads of different colors: black, red and gray;
  • cardboard;
  • wire;
  • the grain of any fruit, such as apricot;

Here is a set of materials that are likely to be found in almost every home, but what is missing is easy enough to find. In addition, it does not require unnecessary material costs.

How to make a bullfinch from a woolen thread with your own hands: a master class with step-by-step photo

After everything you need is found and prepared, you can begin to work.

IMPORTANT! Please note that you can make a bird of any size that suits you best. But keep in mind that in order for the bullfinch to be larger, you will need a slightly larger number of threads. Calculate the proportions in advance so as not to make a mistake when buying yarn.

First of all, cut a strip of cardboard, one side of which will be approximately 10. It is at this stage that you can form the size of the future bird. The wider the cardboard strip, the more dimensional the bullfinch will turn out.

On cardboard you need to wind yarn. Please note that each color will have its own number of revolutions that must be completed. This is due to the fact that the distribution of color on the bird, of course, is not uniform. So it will be with the craft.

So, you need to make 30 turns of gray thread, 50 - black and 60 - red. Win the yarn gently, evenly threading.

Then proceed to the formation of the beak. To do this, cut a kernel of apricot or almond in half and put on a wire.

IMPORTANT ! Choose a wire of suitable length. If it turns out to be too short or, conversely, too long, the work will turn out to be sloppy, ugly, and may also fall apart within a few hours after completion of the work.

The next step is to cut the threads on one side. To make it clearer, we explain that the resulting threads should be about 20 centimeters long. Then black and red need to be put together without mixing up and bandaged with black thread. Make as tight knots as possible to be sure of the reliability of the toy.

After that, all the black threads need to be bent to one side and thus tied with a gray thread.

The next step requires maximum accuracy and concentration. You need to put a bunch of gray yarn into the existing red protruding “tail” of the workpiece. It is important that the threads are not mixed up or mixed with each other. This greatly affects the appearance of the product.

Then bend the red threads first, tying a kind of tail, and then the gray ones as well.

The final touch will be the already prepared beak. Insert the wire into the threads. Bullfinch is ready! Such an article will decorate your own apartment, or will be a great gift for both an adult and a child.

Useful tips on how to make a bullfinch from yarn

There are other options for how to make an elegant bullfinch with your own hands. This will help all the same yarn. For example, acrylic yarn, which has the property of excellent fluff after being cut, but also does not fade in the sun, and has other excellent properties.

With its help, you can make the original bullfinch from pompons. To do this, you need a special round billet, which will be used as the basis. A rather large amount of yarn should be wound around it so that a pompom is formed. The color scheme, of course, will remain the same.

Leave some “strands” of thread hanging freely to resemble bird wings, and then form a head and beak. To do this is quite simple, especially having a good example in the form of a photograph before your eyes. This method differs from the others in that in this case even fewer tools are required to make a bullfinch. But here the number of necessary threads is clearly increasing.

Another option will be the application. This method is good in that it provides freedom of imagination. You can find and download any picture of a bullfinch that you like, process it with yarn and get an excellent result.

For work you will need cardboard, sewing supplies, a felt-tip pen and a simple pencil, as well as paper napkins and glue. Choose PVA so that the yarn adheres securely to the cardboard.

First of all, we’ll take care of the basis: it can be either a downloaded picture or a picture of yourself drawn by you if you like and know how to draw.

IMPORTANT! This craft will be a great activity for the child, as it is easy to perform, and also develops creative abilities. In addition, a joint pastime and a common hobby will make you closer with your own child.

The first step is to cut the yarn into small pieces. The optimal length should not exceed five millimeters. After that, you can begin to work - first apply glue to a separate place of the bullfinch, and then press pieces of yarn to it, helping yourself with a napkin. Be careful and try not to go beyond the circuit. If bald spots form somewhere, you will have to use additional threads, otherwise the craft will look messy.

Thus, you need to work out the whole bird. Draw a beak and paws with a black felt-tip pen. You can also create a background for the bird - for example, add an elegant small twig or even a whole tree.

If you have yarn leftovers from any other crafts or even after a ready-made bullfinch, you can use them to make another, but different in appearance. In this article, cardboard will be used as a base, and small skeins of yarn will symbolize the plumage of a bird. Cut out the silhouette of the bird from the black cardboard and wind the threads on it. Fluff the pieces to the sides to form wings.

You can sew a ribbon to the craft and hang it in any suitable place. Choose a braid of suitable color - for example, red, in order to maintain the given style and make the bullfinch harmonious and beautiful.

Now you know how to make a variety of bullfinches with your own hands using yarn. These birds, which are considered a symbol of winter, will accompany you throughout the year and delight the eye with a beautiful “plumage”. Recently, bullfinches are appearing less and less in cities, preferring to choose forests as their habitat. But such an article is a great opportunity to introduce the child to the world of birds. Perhaps the son or daughter will be interested in the process and in the future you will be able to craft other funny birds or animals, spending time together.

Remember that the main thing in creativity is freedom and pleasure from the process. Therefore, observing the main provisions of the instructions, do not be afraid to change anything at your discretion - it is important that you personally like the product and make it neat, original and tasteful.