How to make gloves for the sensor

Currently, a huge number of gadgets has a touch control panel. And this is not surprising. Likewise, controlling the device becomes much simpler and faster than figuring out which button to press. In addition, this allows the use of large displays, rather than push-button analogs of any device.

The device that almost everyone has and most often has a touch screen is, of course, a smartphone. And the inhabitants of Russia have to constantly face one seasonal problem. In winter, using the gadget becomes very difficult due to the need to wear gloves. The sensor rarely works on commands that are given through ordinary gloves. What to do in this case? Is it possible to relieve yourself of the need to constantly remove this wardrobe item in order to use the phone?

The solution is quite simple! You can make such gloves that will perfectly interact with the sensor and will not have to be removed. You will learn about how to make such a thing with your own hands and what you need for this, from this article.

How to make knitted gloves suitable for the sensor

In specialized stores you can find inexpensive and very diverse gloves that allow you to use your smartphone. But spending money on such a purchase is not necessary. Turning an existing item into a suitable one is very simple. It is enough to understand why the sensor does not work on them.

IMPORTANT! The touch control panel works exclusively under the influence of current, which is able to conduct the human body. Knitted fabric used for sewing gloves cannot carry it.

It is an understanding of this principle that allows us to find a solution. It is necessary to supplement the jersey with such material that could conduct current to your smartphone. The most affordable will be ordinary lurex . It is not so expensive and is sold in any store that sells sewing and needlework products.

IMPORTANT! Pay attention to the color of the purchased thread. It is better to choose it as close as possible to the tone of the product so that the lurex does not stand out very much and does not spoil the design of the gloves.

Completing of the work

  • For work you will need only a needle and about 35-40 centimeters of a "metal" thread.
  • When everything you need is ready, you need to choose the right place. To do this, check in the process of using the smartphone which fingers you use and even their exact sides .
  • Then sew the lurex into the tissue at these places.

IMPORTANT! The thread should fit as tightly as possible to the finger, otherwise all the work will be useless.

How to make leather gloves for touch screens

There is another way to make absolutely any winter glove suitable for use in conjunction with the touch screen of a smartphone. It is even simpler than the previous one.

IMPORTANT! There is a special liquid on the market today called AnyGlove. Its purpose is precisely that any product could conduct current and close the circuit. This is necessary for the correct operation of the sensor.

The application is very simple. You just need to put a few drops of liquid on those places with which you touch the screen. The undoubted advantage of this method will be its versatility. Sewing lurex into leather gloves would be inconvenient, in addition, it would look strange and ridiculous. After all, masking a metallized thread on the skin is much more difficult. Stickers are much more convenient and easier to perform.

The only drawbacks of AnyGlove may be the cost of this miraculous solution, as well as the fact that it can not always be found in the public domain. Most likely, the liquid will have to be ordered through the Internet.

Now you know how to turn any winter gloves into a product that will be able to conduct current and be used with a smartphone. This means that you no longer have to freeze in the winter . None of the above procedures takes a lot of time. This will be a definite plus for anyone who has already set about trying to modify their winter wardrobe elements. It is important to be careful and accurate during work, and then the result will not be long in coming.