How to make a do-it-yourself dummy


Mannequins that mimic the human body or its individual fragments are required in many fields of activity. Sport was no exception. For lovers of wrestling, a mannequin is needed as a sports equipment, with which you can professionally practice blows.

Of course, in every gym where wrestling is practiced, such dummies are available. But, if the training takes place exclusively at home, then you can not spend money on expensive equipment, but try to make it yourself.

There are a lot of manufacturing options, it all depends on the materials used at hand. It uses cling film, scotch tape, plaster bandages and much more.

Manufacturing steps

For the master class you will need to prepare the following “tool kit”: about four packs of duct tape, scissors, glue, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, adhesive tape, paper, metal skeleton and, of course, an old T-shirt. The approximate production time is about two to three hours.

  1. A t-shirt is worn on himself or on a model. At the same time, exposed areas of the hands and neck can usually be protected with cling film so that adhesive tape does not stick to them during operation.
  2. The surface of the T-shirt must be wrapped with adhesive tape in several layers. This should be done carefully and carefully, without much pressure, so as not to accidentally tighten the body. It is recommended to start from the waistline, lowering to the lower level, and then return to the neck.
  3. Then you need to cut and glue the tape in small pieces. At the same time, carefully work out each line and bend of the body. To outline the chest line, cut the tape into pieces as little as possible.
  4. After the formation of the cocoon, we measure the midline of the back along the spine, it is recommended to use any plumb line.
  5. Cut the cocoon along the marked line.
  6. Then the transverse lines are marked, along which the cocoon will subsequently be collected.
  7. The bottom line is aligned, neatly trimmed. After this procedure, the cocoon should have a stable position on a flat surface.
  8. After that, the cocoon is glued together with the combination of all marked lines and re-pasted with adhesive tape in several layers.
  9. The resulting mannequin is densely packed with foam rubber and / or sintepon. Filling foam can also be used to fill the housing. This should be done with extreme caution, given the property of the foam to expand. Otherwise, you can "spoil" all the work done.
  10. Cardboard is laid under the bottom and the bottom line is outlined. The resulting pattern is glued down to the cocoon in any way.
  11. Then a hole is made in the mannequin, into which a wooden or metal skeleton (stick) should be inserted and fixed on a tripod for stability of the structure.
  12. If during the drying process any defects were discovered in the cocoon, they can be easily corrected with gypsum.
  13. The final finish for the design can be an ordinary papier-mâché. You should buy some rolls of toilet paper. Each unwind, soak paper in water. After swelling, drain the water, add PVA glue and start pasting.

Sewing process

As a material for tailoring a wrestling mannequin, the material that is used for sewing wrestling carpets, car tents and so on is ideally suited. As a basis, you can use the old boxing bag. As an additional weighting material, a sand bag will do. Weight is selected and adjusted in advance. You can use rags.

The body is stitched in the form of an elongated cylinder. Hands are sewn separately, then turned inside out. The head is sewn. There, on the case, openings for the hands are made. Hands are sewn. Then the whole structure must be turned out so that all the seams remain inside. Due to this, working with the mannequin does not cause discomfort, the seams do not interfere with throws and grabs, and the mannequin only becomes stronger from this.

We make blanks for hands in the form of semicircles. The arms should be slightly longer than the athlete. It is necessary to pay attention to their thickness. If they are too thick, it will not be easy to grab them. Too thin hands will not give the desired training effect. Stitched mannequin from underneath. The larger and denser the rags, the harder it will be. Since the case itself is a one-piece design, there should not be any problems with it after eversion. But before you sew your hands, it’s worth remembering the golden rule “measure seven times”. Otherwise, you can confuse the parties, or make other annoying mistakes that will have to be corrected.

There is another way, easier, but it is not durable. You can buy a ski suit or, if available, use your old one. If you need a one-legged partner for the fight, you can stuff a jacket with rags, sew all open holes and train. To make a two-legged dummy, we sew the pants from the kit to the jacket, we also fill and sew. As a filler, some use peas and periodically add it, as it tends to condense. With all the strength of ski suits, they are not intended for such use, since the seams are not strong enough. This option is suitable for beginners and children.


Today, a rare wrestling training is dispensed with without the use of a wrestling dummy. Working with him significantly increases the effectiveness of the fighter, since you can work out dozens of shots and techniques in full force on him, bring them to automaticity, without fear of damaging your partner’s health. In addition, the sparring partner may be tired, ill or not come to training, and the wrestling dummy is always here, always at your service.

Each athlete should choose his wrestling dummy for himself or with the help of a trainer. The choice depends on the weight category of the athlete and the nature of the tasks. They still exist with one and two legs, and usually have two arms. With two legs, they are used when practicing passages, hooks, hooks, and working in low stances. Wrestling mannequins with one leg are considered more traditional. Throws and power techniques are convenient to practice take off.

There are recommendations for choosing the size and weight of a figure, regardless of its type, whether it is two-legged or one-legged. He should be 15 cm lower than the athlete and twice as light as him. The fact is that a wrestling mannequin during a throw does not fold in half, like a man, but this doubles its weight. Accordingly, the athlete receives approximately equal in weight to the conditional opponent.

Unfortunately, with all the advantages of such a dummy, it has one significant drawback - the price. Not every wrestling lover can afford to purchase it for personal use. But with due desire, if you try, you can learn how to make a wrestling mannequin with your own hands.

Making a mannequin at home is quite difficult. This is a painstaking task, requiring considerable endurance and patience.